According to the doctors over at Botched on the E! channel, lip augmentation is now the most requested celebrity feature. I guess the “most requested celebrity feature” is a revolving door with buttocks and noses!
Of course Kylie Jenner has galvanized this trend. And to think I defended her in this post, thinking she hadn’t had fillers placed into her lips! There are three ways to augment the lips in my experience. As seen above, this patient had liposuction of her abdomen and thighs and we injected her own fat into her buttocks and also into her lips. I think everyone would agree that fat gives a full, natural, sensuous appearance to the lips. Needless to say, this patient is very happy.

The other option, as seen in this patient above, is lip augmentation with lip implants. While these are performed under local anesthesia with silicone implants, they’re not the same as silicone breast implants. Silicone lip implants are soft but solid, not a liquid or gel. They can be placed into the upper and lower lips and come in different sizes.
Lastly and most common is lip augmentation with fillers like Belotero and Juvederm. This can be very easy to do when done by an appropriately trained plastic surgeon or dermatologist. The major benefit is that fillers can be taken “off the shelf,” no need for major surgery to get fat and no implantation of a silicone implant. This is the major downside of fillers because they’re very temporary, only lasting 6 months to a year at the most.
To check pricing on all of these lip augmentation procedures, click here.