Achieving orgasm after sex reassignment surgery [podcast]

sex reassignment

In this second of our two-part series on sex reassignment, Dr. Meltzer covers an array of interesting topics. Whereas the first podcast here discussed Dr. Meltzer’s path to becoming a sex reassignment surgeon, this podcast discusses the technical aspects of surgery, insurance coverage, timing for kids to transition and his take on the Caitlyn Jenner story.


In the female to male operation, a penis can be formed from thigh or groin tissue and even tissue from the forearm. All of these procedures have pros and cons. There’s even talk of a penile transplant in the future!


The male to female operation is also difficult because of the creation of the vagina in the perineum, the area between the scrotum and anus. And as mentioned in the first podcast, Dr. Meltzer has built his reputation on helping both male and female transition patients achieving an orgasm after their sex reassignment surgery.


Does insurance cover sex reassignment surgery? When can you safely perform transitional surgery on kids and what does Dr. Meltzer think of the public reaction to Caitlyn Jenner? This and more in this BuildMyBod Health podcast below!


Achieving orgasm after sex reassignment surgery


To learn more about Dr. Meltzer, he can be found at Listen to more of the BuildMyBod Health Podcast by clicking here.



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