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Breast Augmentation
When can I drive again?You can drive after breast augmentation as soon as you’re comfortable using your chest muscles and arms. Also, it’s very important to no longer need any narcotic pain medication (like hydrocodone or oxycodone) that may affect your driving or use of other heavy equipment. Once you are pain free, you can drive.
Breast Augmentation
Will I lose sensitivity in the surgical area? Any changes in sensitivity, if they occur, to the nipple area will be temporary for most breast augmentation procedures. If you require a lift with incisions around the nipple area, this may cause a more prolonged change in sensitivity but permanent changes are very, very rare. |
Breast Augmentation
How much pain will there be?Everyone’s perception of pain is different, but with oral pain medication, millions of women have undergone breast augmentation with a manageable level of pain. |
Breast Augmentation
How long does it take for my results to look normal? After breast augmentation, the skin has to acclimate (relax) and the implants will settle. This will usually occur over 3 months. However, you will be able to appreciate the results almost immediately.
Breast Augmentation
Am I too old to be having this procedure? Old is a state of mind! If you feel that breast augmentation will improve your appearance or self esteem and you are healthy, you may not be too old. |
Breast Augmentation
Am I too young to be having this procedure? For any surgery, patients must be of legal age to make a decision as an adult, which is the age of 18. In regards to breast augmentation, you must wait til the age of 22 to have silicone implants placed. This is a recommendation by the Food and Drug Administration, the government agency that regulates breast implants. However, you can sign paperwork to have silicone implants before the age of 22 but this may nullify the warranty provided by the implant maker. |
Breast Augmentation
What age do you recommend having this procedure? With the consent of your parents, you can have breast augmentation before the age of 18, however, it’s best to wait until you are sure you have reached your adult shape before prematurely altering your body. |
Breast Augmentation
When can I be physically active again?You can be as active as you want because if something hurts with activity, you will minimize that particular activity. Many plastic surgeons recommend arm and chest movement early on to avoid stiff muscles.
Breast Augmentation
How soon can I resume having sex after my procedure? You can return to sexual activity as soon as you want as long as it does not cause you pain. That will be a decision only you can make. |
Breast Augmentation
Will my life be at risk with this procedure? There are always risks with cosmetic surgery because, after all, it is still surgery. If you are particularly concerned with the type of anesthesia you will need, speak with your doctor and see if your procedure can be done under local anesthesia or light sedation rather than general anesthesia that requires a breathing tube being placed in the mouth. |
Breast Augmentation
Is breast augmentation considered a major surgery?Breast augmentation is not as serious as heart surgery but the same basic risks are present, such as formation of blood clots in the legs while lying on the operating room table or risks associated with infection or anesthesia. |
Breast Augmentation
When will the swelling go down?Most swelling will resolve in the first 2 weeks but all of the swelling will need up to 3 months to completely resolve. |
Breast Augmentation
How many visits does it take to see results? The first postoperative visit after breast augmentation will reveal your results but the relaxing of the skin around the implants to the final position will take months. |
Breast Augmentation
What is your complication rate with this procedure? The breast augmentation complication rate is less than 1%. |
"I have "accessory breast tissue" under both armpits. It is uncomfortable and restricts my movement and gets pinched, bruised and sore from my bra straps. It should be covered by insurance but I cannot find anyone to do it. A plastic surgeon sent me to a doctor who wasted my time and submitted the claim as "excess fat" so the insurance company denied it as cosmetic. It is so embarrassing to me that I will pay cash to have it done. What is the price range? Liposuction will not do it, it is tissue that has to be excised completely as it is growing larger all the time. Even losing weight does not help! I can't even wear certain clothes because of the embarrassment and I really want it removed before spring/summer when I can no longer hide it. Thank you.We're so sorry to hear about issues with insurance payment. Accessory breast tissue in the armpits is not uncommon but insurance denial for it is common. You can use BuildMyBod (click the pricing tab while on buildmybod.com) to find a doctor in your area and to estimate your cost. Since most doctors don't list a procedure "removal of accessory breast tissue, the closest procedure to what you're looking for is a breast reduction. While I recognize this is in no way the same as a breast reduction, the cost of a breast reduction would give you an idea of the cost. For example, a breast reduction in the San Francisco Bay Area, all costs included, would be $8,110. However, you're particular situation would probably be closer to $5500, all costs included. Hope that helps.
Breast Augmentation
My name is Carla I have breast cancer and part of my left breast removed. I am trying to find out what the procedure would cost me for a breast enlargement.Thanks so much for your question. If you had part of your left breast removed due to breast cancer, then insurance should cover the cost of breast reconstruction per the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998. The general surgeon that did your mastectomy can refer you to a plastic surgeon that can bill your insurance and perform your reconstruction. Hope that helps. |
Breast Augmentation
I have 17 year old McGhan saline implants (350-500cc) (nice job/no problems)and want them a little smaller. Just consulted with a PS and she is going to drain out a little of my current implants. But I'm reading you can't do that as a permanent fix. Is this true?It depends on what type of saline implants they are. If they have a port that allows removal of saline without creating a hole in the implant and leaking, then that could work fine. The other option many women consider is replacing the saline implants with silicone implants after so many years. Silicone is much safer than it used to be. Instead of liquid, they're more gel in nature which allows them to keep their shape even if there is a break in the shell. |
Breast Reduction
how much would it cost to have a supernumerary nipple removed from my chest? it is about an inch and a half below my left breast and can be seen with a bra. It is about a millimeter in diameter. I do not currently have insurance. I am a 19 year old girl and believe that I am done growing.Based on your description, that would cost approximately $500 with minimal downtime. Hope that's helpful. Prices may vary depending on surgeon. You can find a surgeon near you at www.buildmybod.com. Best of luck. |
Breast Augmentation and Lift
My forehead and and upper face look fine. However, my jowls and earlobes look old. I had a previous facelift 17 years ago. And things are going south. However, as you can see It has lasted. BTW I am 67.I had a Breast reduction 10 years ago and I need implants now they look droopy Could I have a price separately for each procedure as well as a price on all of them together?I'm close to SFYou can easily check pricing for earlobe reduction here (even though it's for correction of split earlobes, it's the same price for earlobe reduction): https://www.pacificheightsplasticsurgery.com/pricing/?deepl=Correct-both-split-earlobes To correct jowls, you need a mini facelift: https://www.pacificheightsplasticsurgery.com/pricing/?deepl=Mini--MACS--Facelift For a breast augmentation with implants and a lift to correct the droopiness, check here: https://www.pacificheightsplasticsurgery.com/pricing/?deepl=Enlargement-and-lift-of-breasts--silicone- Best of luck! |
Removal of Excess Breast Tissue
Hello! I have gynecomastia and I was looking into getting surgery for it. I saw that there's a slight discount on the price of the procedures if you get multiple procedures at once. Because of this, I'd like to get liposuction on my stomach and hips as well at the same time.I'm wondering what the risks I have from this? I read that the chance of death increases quite a bit if there's multiple procedures done.For information about me as I'm sure it's relevant: There's no bad reactions of anaesthesic effects in my family, I'm around 20 lbs overweight, I'm 18, I'm fairly healthy other than being overweight. I don't have any problems breathing or heart issues, etc.Thanks!Yes, it's correct, most surgeons will discount additional procedures when done at the same time as a primary procedure. You can get an idea of the costs by submitting all procedures in a wishlist on BuildMyBod.com. A more accurate quote will be given once you're seen in consultation. Every surgery has risks but the multiple procedures you're referring to can be safely performed at the same time. Also keep in mind that it's often easier to get all procedures done in one operation rather than having to undergo multiple separate operations. Best of luck. |
Breast Reduction
Hello,I have had breast reduction surgery one year ago. Left breast is still bigger than right, so I am having liposuction to correct asymmetry. I am wondering if my surgeon could use liposuction on the right breast too, to reduce it, because I would like to have one or half size smaller breasts.Liposuction is a reasonable choice for slight asymmetry when the problem is excess fat. With breasts, some larger degrees of asymmetry are due to excess breast tissue, not fat. The problem with doing liposuction in this case is that liposuction can't suck out breast tissue. In other words, the benefit of liposuction is limited when it comes to the breasts. Hope that helps. |
Breast Lift Without Implants
I'm 19 years old with no children and I very much want an areola reduction. What are the risks? Am I too young? Cost? An areola reduction is possible to do alone or in conjunction with a breast lift. The incisions are very well hidden. If you feel that you are not growing any more, then you're not too young. The risks include some bleeding after surgery or infection. Loss of sensation is typically not an issue. Since the nipple and areola are not separated from the breast, there should not be a problem with breast feeding afterwards either. You can check cost from this doctor at this link: https://www.buildmybod.com/DrBae/Nipple-Reduction/6595 While the name of the procedure is nipple reduction, it's a similar price as areola reduction. Best of luck.
Breast Reduction
Hi, My name is Kayla Shelby. I’m 20 years old and I was wondering if you could give me some insight into a breast reconstruction. When i was 18 I got a breast reduction. I went from a 38 DDD to a B. I was happy with that, however in a little under a year I almost grew back to where i was and my breast are no longer what i want them to be. They are saggy and nothing that i have done has helped! Another problem i have is when i has the surgery all of my fat was going to my breast, now it has shifted into my stomach. I go to the gym regularly and it seems as if nothing is helping. I’m only 20 years old and i feel as if i have the body of someone in their late 30s. If you could give me any type of insight that would be great!That's not unusual for someone needing a breast reduction at the age of 18 to need another one as they continue to grow over the subsequent couple of years. At this point, you would probably benefit from another breast reduction and lift as well as liposuction to the abdomen. I would hold off on a tummy tuck if possible in case you have kids in the future. Having liposuction before a baby is reasonable but having a tummy tuck and then kids would ruin the result of the tummy tuck. Hope that helps. |
Breast Augmentation
I had breast augmentation about 10 yrs ago. Since then I have been dealing with severe back pain. I assumed it was from an accident but with therapy and surgery it has not gotten any better. One day I just held my breast up as high as I could and the pain subsided also I was able to breathe with ease. My question is would durgery to reduce be considered a medical need or elective surgery?Sincerely, Antoinette SmallsTo have this considered medically necessary and have insurance cover it, you would need to find a doctor 1) that takes insurance and 2) write a letter to your insurance company detailing the facts of the case and 3) the insurance company would agree to cover the procedure. Keep in mind that even when the insurance company "preauthorizes" a procedure there's a statement in that preauthorization letter that explicitly says that preauthorization does not guarantee payment! Crazy I know. So be careful and make sure you have the money in case they don't cover it because nonpayment could affect your credit. Paying cash up front without going through insurance will certainly be the fastest route to getting rid of your pain. Best of luck. |
Breast Lift Without Implants
Is it possible to remove excess skin from the breasts without having something (saline) inserted?Absolutely. Removing excess skin from the breasts without implants is called a breast lift. You don't have to remove breast tissue and you don't have to add implants. The technical name for the procedure is a mastopexy. Depending on how much excess skin there is, you can receive a lift with a scar just 1) around the areola, 2) a lollipop lift with an incision down the bottom part of the breast or an 3) anchor incision which includes an incision under the breast as well. Your plastic surgeon can help you decide what's the best for you. |
Breast Lift Without Implants
I am a 15 year old girl and I believe I have a deformity called tuberous breasts. I am super self conscious about my breast and it has affected me severely on my self esteem and mental health, and it has also made me feel very depressed. I know the only option to correct them is plastic surgery, so I was wondering if it would be possible for a young girl like me to have a procedure done?While you would need to be seen in person by a plastic surgeon near you, it's possible for you to have a procedure to correct this. However, upon exam, if it's not exactly tuberous breasts and something more associated with "regular" development for a 15-year old, your doctor may ask you to wait until you are completely developed, closer to 18-years old, before proceeding with surgery. Regardless, go to your consultation with your parents since they will have to provide consent on your behalf. Best of luck. |
Breast Augmentation
Hi, I have already had a breast augmentation and am looking into going larger. With that being said, how does the sizing work? Does it go right from 100 cc to 150 cc or is there something in between? Also how much more are you getting when a doctor says they can max out your implant? So if I ordered 100 cc what do you actually get when it’s maxed? Thanks. Smaller silicone implants go up by smaller amounts such as 25cc or 40cc for example. As implants get bigger (above 350cc) they may start to increase by 50cc at a time. Your doctor can show you samples during a consultation. When they max out your implants, they're referring to saline implants only, since it is possible to "overfill" saline implants at the time of operation. How much that increase is depends on the size of the implant.. |
Breast Augmentation and Lift
I had a full mastopexy on 10/24/18 along with a tummy tuck after having had 2 C-sections. My breast went from a large C/small D to a B with the lift. My doctor would not do implants at the same time as my lift due to having to reconstruct my breasts completely and the safety involved with that. He did state he would give me implants 6 months later if I wanted them. I developed hypertrophic scars while healing. They are ropey, red, thick scars under my breasts, across my stomach and my entire belly button is almost closed they are so thick. I have scheduled my implants for 11/20/19. He is going to inject steroids into my scars to help flatten them during my surgery. My questions are, 1) Does the steroid help or will I be stuck with these horrible itching painful scars, assuming they will come back with the new incisions right on top of the current ones, 2) what are the possible issues that I may have with having had a lift a year ago and the implants now, 3) any advice for my healing, etc. with this surgery, 4) I have a bit of a wing under my right armpit (right breast/side) should I have him fix this during this surgery or just let it remain since the implants will likely hide it, 5) I have 3 size options per my width of chest 445cc, 485cc and 510cc is there a reason I should choose one over the other?Thank you for your time!1) steroids can help flatten out scars. 2) delaying the implants is meant to avoid any issues with healing. 3) Speak with your doctor about this. 4) Please ask him about removing that during the procedure. 5) The bigger the implant, the more issues you may have with stretching or pre mature drooping in the future. Best of luck. |
Breast Augmentation
In 1995 I had breast Aug, small B.Saline. Sept. 2018 I went for consult to see if it’s possible that changing them out would I get cleavage, closer together as they are very far apart. Dr. Said yes.no problem, he called my implants “ pediatrics “. He said he would place them closer together and facing forward. That’s all he said. Not one word about any possible obstacles or reasons that outcome couldn’t be achieved. I had post op appt . with Dr. 10 day after that was cancelled by the Dr. left on voicemail. No new appt given and I never heard back from the Dr. Or his office until I called them 11 mo. Later because the implants are far apart and now more under my arms and armpit then on my chest. Now he’s saying it’s this reason and that reason, I asked why he didn’t tell me prior about any of this? He said he didn’t know until he went in. I am devastated. He said maybe fat transfer to fill in for the cleavage may work? I asked “fat from where? If I had fat I’d have breasts”! I’m very lean. Now he’s requiring I see a counselor before moving forward. Likely do to my insistence that he be accountable for telling me he could put them closer achieving cleavage and that he failed to disclose the reasons he’s now telling me why he couldn’t do it. I believe he certainly could do it, but he just change out implants failing to adjust the pockets to fit my chest . Now I feel he couldn’t care less about me. Aren’t muscle pockets able to be adjusted? Or manipulated to fit the new implants?Very sorry to hear about your situation. Yes, the implant pocket can be changed from on top of the muscle to under the muscle or placed in a neosubpectoral pocket if they're already under the muscle. You may need to seek out a breast augmentation revision specialist via Google Search for the best chance of success. Best of luck. |
Breast Lift Without Implants
I am 24 and recently lost around 80lbs. My breast are saggy now that I lost the weight and my areolas are much larger than I would like them to be. Would a breast lift be a good option for me? I really don’t want to get implants so I’m just wondering what I can do. You absolutely can get a lift by itself without implants and that will lift the breasts and shrink the areolas at the same time. Without implants, you may not have the projection you want but you still don't have to get implants if you don't want. Best of luck. |
Breast Lift Without Implants
I’m looking to get a non surgery procedure done. I’m looking to have my breast sit up & I don’t mind a cup bigger, was looking into the Vampire breast lift or the ThermiBreast Lift. Would love a Doctor who have 4 stars or better & who have much experience Look at our home page and in the search field in the middle of the page, type in "vampire" to see what doctor's offer that procedure near you. Best of luck. |
Breast Augmentation
So I believe I have capsular contracture. I’m 6 months post opp in two days and my right breast stopped dropping at 3 months post opp. It’s slightly firmer, not hard and no pain so far. I’ve been researching (probably too much lol) and have found that some girls think they have capsular when really the muscle wasn’t properly released. Can you tell me how you would know the difference? Is the breast firmer when the implant isn’t released? I’m considering going for an ultrasound. If I got an ultrasound, would they be able to see if it is indeed scar tissue vs a muscle?This is very difficult to determine with certainty with ultrasound. Unfortunately, whether the issue is unreleased muscle vs capsular contracture isn't clear until your revision surgery. But statistically, the issue is more likely capsular contracture since that's more common in all types of breast augmentation. You'll need to see your doctor and if surgery is deemed most appropriate, they'll let you know what the issue was postop.
Breast Augmentation and Lift
It's been over 20yrs since I had breast augmentation and now I can tell you boobs are starting to sag what do I need to doThe options to treat sagging breast are to get a lift, bigger implants or new implants combined with a lift at the same time. Your plastic surgeon can provide more guidance during a consultation. |
Breast Augmentation and Lift
I had a breast lift with implants and galaflex mesh December 2021. One side failed, the mesh is palpable under that breast, and I’m sure it goes without saying but that side sits quite lower. Can it be repaired using the same mesh before my body absorbs it? I hope it is obvious why I am not asking the surgeon that did the surgery. Thank you for your time.While it may be reasonable to want to use the same mesh if it hasn't absorbed, the concern is that if it fails again, did it fail because the mesh absorbed soon after the 2nd repair or was there a technical failure. Also, if the mesh didn't work the first time, you may want to consider using a different type of mesh or dermis. These are reasonable questions to ask your surgeon or new surgeon in person. This is potentially a complex problem with several potential solutions. Most importantly, you need to see a doctor that specializes in secondary breast augmentation or revision breast augmentation procedures. |
Breast Augmentation
Looking to get breast enhancement..I'm transgender and insurance will cover it what do I need?First you'll need to find someone that accepts your insurance. Best to google 'transgender top surgery insurance' and see what pops up. Best of luck. |
Breast Lift Without Implants
How much is a reconstruction after having breast implants already removed If you're referring to a breast lift after having breast implants removed, then head over to BuildMyBod.com/pricing and find a doctor near you and choose "breast lift without implants" or "breast lift." The other option is to go to BuildMyBod.com and in the search field, enter "breast lift" to find doctors near you that offer that procedure. You can check how much they charge from there. |
Breast Augmentation
How much for boobs Check pricing from a doctor near you at buildmybod.com/pricing |
Breast Augmentation
Flipped submuscular implantI Underwent breast augmentation surgery almost three years ago, a little over a week ago when I was moving some boxes to the storage one of my implants flipped. It does not hurt in anyway, but the difference is quite noticeable. Is it possible to flip it back by myself? Just to be clear I have submuscular implants, I’ve seen it’s possible with subglandular but nothing on submuscular unfortunatelyIt reasonable to attempt to manually manipulate the implant back into position. But if it's that easy to flip back into the correct position, it may also flip again. If you're unsuccessful, seek out your surgeon. They may have to surgically correct it but it may also be an opportunity for any other revisions you've considered (larger or smaller implants). Best of luck. |