From social media to surgery [video]

As a healthcare provider, if you’re not on social media by now, you should seriously consider it. More patients are going from social media to surgery than ever before. As the story below will show, this is actually a reasonable way to find your doctor. First step: Lead generation As seen in the photo […]
International Medical Tourism: Death isn’t your biggest concern! [video]

There is no shortage of horror stories when it comes to medical tourism – traveling outside of the country for your medical care. Headlines abound of patient deaths from fat embolism, hypovolemic shock or overwhelming infections. And while death is obviously the worst complication, it’s not the main risk. Poor quality and cut rate procedures […]
How Snapchat disarms Dr. Google!

I’m gonna spend this whole post just explaining what the title means! So let’s start with some background. Most doctors know that Dr. Google refers to the experience when patients come in for their consult with loads of disjointed, unrelated information regarding their ailment that they learned on Google. While some of the information is […]
One aspect of the CVS Aetna deal – Primary Care Physicians
If you haven’t heard, the traditional pharmacy, CVS, is proposing to buy the traditional health insurance company, Aetna, for $69 billion. The CVS Aetna deal has many potential effects. One curious aspect is that the new vertically integrated company won’t include doctors. This will affect primary care physicians the most. What will the CVS […]
Why medical tourism websites would benefit from a Price Estimator

When you think of medical tourism, you think of traveling for more affordable healthcare. One connotation of cheaper healthcare is poor quality healthcare. Luckily, with increasing competition here and abroad, that connotation of poor quality is no longer true. For example, CanAmerica Health. How A Price Estimator benefits medical tourism websites If looking for […]
Own your marketing
Why do we buy ads on Facebook or Google Adwords? We do it to get out in front of their billions of users. But not really. When you purchase ads on any platform, you’re marketing your ads toward a particular demographic. Own Your Marketing For example, for my practice in San Francisco, if I were […]
Bottoming out…in breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures out there. And since cosmetic surgery is real surgery, some complications are inevitable. One such complication is bottoming out of the implant as shown above. What is ‘bottoming out’ in breast augmentation? In an ideal situation, a breast implant sits behind the breasts in […]
Breast augmentation with the IDEAL Implant [video]

For those of you out there considering a breast augmentation, you have another choice on the market. No longer can you only choose between silicone or saline. Now you have the option of a saline, structured implant – the IDEAL implant! How is the IDEAL implant different? As you’ll see in the video below, […]
To shave or not to shave…before surgery?!

While common sense would suggest shaving before surgery would get rid of bacteria, it might make it worse. Consider these scenarios. For an operation on the face or neck, do you shave your beard? An operation on the lower abdomen, do you shave the pubic hair? This is an ongoing debate in operating rooms across […]
Use health insurance like auto insurance

I know it sounds crazy, but why wouldn’t you use your health insurance for all health-related needs? I mean, you buy health insurance to cover healthcare costs, right? Yes and no. Compare health insurance to auto insurance. With auto insurance, you only use it for major issues. A bad car accident. A new transmission. In […]