Medical tourism is now domestic tourism

Medical tourism had or still has a bad reputation depending on who you ask. Going far from home for less expensive medical services could end in disaster. Well, for better or worse, consumers are still traveling, but closer to home. And that’s domestic tourism. Is domestic tourism safer? Whether domestic tourism is safer than […]
Price transparency and Sales Funnels for Physicians
What do these have in common? Keep reading and it’ll all make sense. I’ve repeatedly mentioned the importance of price transparency on this blog. And not just price transparency but using price transparency as a lead generation tool for your medical practice. Now, let me explain how your medical practice fits the sales funnel paradigm […]
The knowledge gap in healthcare is wider than I realized

I used to think the knowledge gap in healthcare was mostly isolated to the separation between the provider’s understanding of the patient’s condition and the lack of understanding on the patient’s part. Similar to your dependence on the mechanic fixing your car correctly and honestly because you lack an understanding of the modern day combustion […]
BuildMyBod Health founder speaking at Becker’s ASC 24th Annual Conference
BuildMyBod Health founder, Dr. Jonathan Kaplan speaking at the 24th annual meeting of Becker’s ASC Review in Chicago. As one of the largest industry meetings that help hospitals and ambulatory surgery center’s (ASC’s) achieve first-in-class best practices, this is recognition of the new-found importance of price transparency in healthcare. Becker’s Healthcare and BuildMyBod BuildMyBod […]
Free market rate vs the negotiated rate

When it comes to paying for healthcare services, chances are you’ll be paying out of pocket. More and more consumers have high deductible health plans that require you to pay $5000 to $6000 before the insurance company starts paying. Since you’re paying, it’s critically important to find out how much your bill is ahead of […]
What laser lipo can do in the wrong hands

Laser lipo is a liposuction technique for removing fat from the body. As seen in this article from the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, it’s not without its risks. Since the article is not available without a subscription you can read my synopsis below. How does laser lipo compare to traditional liposuction Liposuction uses a long […]
Dr. Kaplan’s keynote presentation from FMMA now available [video]
This past August, 2017, the Free Market Medical Association (FMMA) hosted a great 3-day conference in Oklahoma City. Dr. Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health gave a keynote. If you have the time and want to learn all you can about price transparency and lead generation, you can watch the full video below. FMMA Keynote, […]
Why live chat and website submission forms are lame
Just as I explained in this article, website submission forms are so 2009. And now live chat is so 2014! For pretty much the same reasons, website submission forms and live chat popups are one step away from addressing the real question. And worst of all, they require manual interaction by office staff and a […]
Timing your second stage of surgery

I recently had a patient that messaged me through Facebook messenger about performing multiple procedures. I’ve operated on her before so I was comfortable interacting with her via social media. Because of the number of procedures she wanted, I suggested that she should “stage” the surgery so that some procedures would be performed in the […]
BuildMyBod Founder speaking at MGMA 2017
Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health and Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery will be giving an hour-long presentation today at the MGMA Annual Conference. MGMA 2017: Empower According to the MGMA website, Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) is the premier association for professionals who lead medical practice. Since 1926, through data, people, insights, and […]