Neck lift vs mini neck lift [video]

Definitions differ from doctor to doctor on a procedure and the “mini” version of said procedure. Same thing with neck lift and a mini neck lift. However, these general principals hold true in regards to a neck lift regardless of treating surgeon. So what’s the difference between a neck lift and a mini neck […]
Lowering the Inframammary Fold in Breast Augmentation

Whenever we physicians, attend a plastic surgery meeting, we’re on the lookout for new techniques. Often there is live surgery focusing on the latest in breast augmentation. However, when a doctor is demonstrating their technique, they demonstrate on a perfectly symmetrical patient. The breasts are symmetrical. The inframammary folds are in the ideal position. There’s […]
Top 5 Best Practices for Doctors and Web Developers using the BuildMyBod Price Estimator
Here at BuildMyBod Health, we want to give doctors and the web developers they work with the tools to be as successful as possible. For that reason, we’re going to review these five best practices to get the most out of the BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator for your clients. Make your BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator […]
Breast augmentation and belly button piercing removal combo procedure!

Patients have limited time off for surgery. So it’s natural to address as many concerns as possible during combination procedures. One combination procedure that may not be as recognizable as a Mommy Makeover but just as common is the belly button piercing removal done at the same time as a breast augmentation. There are more […]
Let’s just see if my health insurance will cover it…wrong!

When it comes to getting outpatient treatment of any type – colonoscopy, sending a biopsy to the lab – consumers hope their health insurance will cover it. They think, even if my health insurance doesn’t cover it, there’s no harm in trying, right? Wrong! It’s no big deal if my health insurance doesn’t cover […]
Make your office a place where patients can multitask!
In this dog eat dog world, when everyone is in the rat race of their life, we all need to be as productive as possible. Even the time we’re relaxing and tending to ourselves. Enter, the cosmetic clinic and medspa. While these may be a sanctuary of peace and quiet, they can also be a […]
The ‘Call to Action’ patients are looking for!
For every healthcare provider out there, there’s 10,000 consumers perusing their website. They’re looking for something and hoping the doctor has the answer. At the same time, the doctor is hoping to capture that patient. To do so, they’ll put various ‘call to action’ buttons or links on their site. ‘Schedule Online’ or ‘Book Now’ […]
Are your surgeon’s hands clean?!

The building where I work just installed Dyson Airblades, like this one, in the bathrooms. While we use hand sanitizer and paper towels in our own office, I was curious if these Airblades made a difference. Once I started doing some research, I learned they do make a difference but for all of the wrong […]
BuildMyBod and Firm Media
Dr. Robert Schwartz of Dallas and Jason Hall of Knoxville, TN recently signed on with BuildMyBod Health and integrated the Price Estimator into their site with the help of their digital marketing provider, Firm Media. What makes Firm Media different? See how Firm Media seamlessly embedded the BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator into Dr. Schwartz’ website here and […]
How strong are silicone breast implants? [video]

Silicone breast implants received a lot of bad press over the last few decades. The first few generations had thin shells filled with liquid silicone. The current fifth generation implants are stronger than ever. What’s changed with silicone breast implants? With new technological advancements, liquid silicone has transformed into silicone gel. This is due […]