Breast Augmentation with Shaped Implants [video]
Here is our latest GoPro surgical video for breast augmentation. Maybe you saw this post and video that discuss three potential risks of breast augmentation surgery, today’s post and video demonstrate the latest in “gummy bear” technology with the shaped breast implant. The shaped breast implant has a tear drop shape that provides a more natural […]
Botox really works! Before and After Photos
Wondering what all the fuss is about with BOTOX® Cosmetic?! Well if you use BOTOX® Cosmetic or one of its competitors like XEOMIN®, you’ll see how injections, without surgery, can make you look years younger. As you can see in the photo below, this patient had Botox to the forehead and her forehead wrinkles were […]
Brazilian Butt Lift: Pricing and Before and After Photos
Thanks to J. Lo and Kim Kardashian, patients often ask me for a Brazilian Butt Lift. In case you’re not sure what that is, a BBL as the kids are calling it, is when your plastic surgeon takes lots of fat from the rest of your body during liposuction and then injects your own fat […]
Finding a plastic surgeon near you
For the last three years, while on the “speaking circuit,” I’ve been preaching the importance of giving your business or medical practice a location-based name. It’s good for your business and it’s good for your customers/patients. And if you’re a plastic surgeon, it’s easier for new prospective patients to find you on Google! […]
4 Tips for marketing your cosmetic practice on a budget
Check out this excellent overview by Lisette Hilton of Cosmetic Surgery Times on the recent presentation by Dr. Kaplan, Founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health at the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery meeting. Reprinted in its entirety here: Marketing is an added cost in a cosmetic surgery practice that most other types of medical practices don’t have. Marketing […]
CoolSculpting, Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and BuildMyBod Health!
Do you want CoolSculpting? Now you can determine the price on BuildMyBod! Checking pricing on surgical and non-surgical services on before you see a doctor? You can still do that and find the pricing for the latest FDA-approved non-surgical fat reduction treatment – CoolSculpting! CoolSculpting is now easier than ever to find within the […]
Breast Augmentation: Pricing and Before and After Photos
In case you’re looking for more breast augmentation before and after photos, you can check out these below and also here. All implants are silicone, under the muscle and placed through an incision within the crease underneath the breast. The main differences are size and shape of implant (round vs shaped). While all of […]
Will plastic surgeons lead the price transparency revolution?
Check out this excellent overview by Kelly Gooch of Becker’s Healthcare Review on the recent BuildMyBod Health peer-reviewed article on price transparency and lead generation. Reprinted in its entirety here: Will plastic surgeons lead the price transparency revolution? Plastic surgeons, longtime participants in the self-pay healthcare sector, have traditionally avoided providing pricing information online. […]
Does higher price equal higher quality in healthcare?
Does higher price in healthcare equal better quality? Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn’t. Healthcare, as in many other cases, doesn’t have a straightforward answer in this regard. Similar questions about price and quality apply to cars, clothing or accessories and those can provide an excellent analogy to healthcare. Price, quality and […]
Five Leads that are Probably Going Nowhere!
While I wouldn’t technically call it eavesdropping, I can easily overhear my office staff answering incoming calls at the front desk. And interestingly, I can tell within seconds if the “lead” on the phone is going nowhere. In addition to the initial phone call interaction, it quickly becomes evident that leads are going nowhere in […]