5 ingredients in the secret sauce of medical marketing!

When I first moved from Louisiana to San Francisco just under three years ago, I took over an existing plastic surgery practice. The previous doctor had about 200 email addresses in his database. I knew if I wanted to build a bigger practice, I would need a bigger database of email addresses. I really had […]

Founder of BuildMyBod Speaking at ASAPS 2016!

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health, the platform that provides price transparency in healthcare, will be speaking in Las Vegas at the year’s biggest cosmetic surgery meeting – twice!   BuildMyBod Health allows consumers to connect with healthcare providers to check the cost of their care – before receiving that care – through an […]

What Botox will and will not do!

After talking to one of my nurses the other day, she pointed out how many of her friends have an inaccurate view of what Botox does. Often times, they seem to think that any “botched” or bad plastic surgery is due in part to Botox! Let’s set the record straight.   BOTOX® Cosmetic, or its […]

Are you a terror when waking up from anesthesia?!

Have you ever had anesthesia or been with anyone waking up from anesthesia? It can be pretty humorous depending on the mood of the patient waking up. But is there a correlation between someone’s general personality and the demeanor in which they emerge from anesthesia? Is it possible you’re a terror when waking up and […]

Thinking about getting an ear gauge?!

Thinking of getting an ear gauge like this guy to the left?! Well consider the consequences first. Why people choose to get ear gauges is not really the point of this post and this is a judgement-free zone! But if you have gotten one or considering it, here are some things to think about.   […]

Full Body CoolSculpting Treatment!

What a great time we live in! With a focus on health and staying in shape, there are new ways of keeping slim and trim even if exercise isn’t doing it for you. If you have stubborn pockets of fat resistant to working out, now there’s the non-surgical fat reduction technique of freezing your fat […]

Attracting millennials to your practice!

As more healthcare services are paid out-of-pocket because the services are cosmetic or because a deductible hasn’t been reached, competition will grow fierce to attract cash-pay patients. Don’t think of this as solely being an issue for plastic surgeons or other doctors that only toil in cosmetic procedures and services. Even medically necessary services like […]

Where to get the fat for your BBL!

By now you’ve heard about the Brazilian Butt Lift. Using either silicone butt implants or your own fat, you can volumize your buttocks to look like J. Lo or Kim Kardashian. Keep in mind that it’s hard to look exactly like them considering that what they have is natural and your buttocks will only be […]

Will my breast aug scars show if I wear a bikini?

Considering a breast aug but worried your scars will be obvious if you wear a bikini? Worry no more! Aside from multiple options for your incisions, if done appropriately, your scar should be well hidden. In the post below, you’ll see how all incisions will be hidden but you still have a choice and one […]

Bras and Breast Cancer

My office recently received a call from a patient asking about the risk of her sports bra causing breast cancer. At first I dismissed this as a strange question but I quickly realized that this was based on something she read rather than simply made up. While I may be propagating the rumor by discussing […]

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