Brazilian Butt Lift with Implants vs Fat [video]

With the recent rise in interest for the Brazilian Butt Lift, many questions come to mind. What makes it Brazilian? Should I use implants or use my own fat? Those answers and more will be answered below. Thanks to Kim Kardashian and J. Lo., everyone wants a fuller derriere. Regardless of what anyone thinks, […]
A bigger conference than HIMSS? I think not! [video]

Just got back from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) meeting in Vegas. A bigger conference I have never seen nor attended! There were 45,000 attendees on hand. To give a frame of reference, most plastic surgery meetings I go to have 2000 attendees at the absolute most! Healthcare IT, the people […]
BuildMyBod Health Founder Speaking at HIMSS16
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) represents 61,000 individual members, 640 corporate members, and over 450 non-profit organizations. Their mission is better health through information technology (IT). And this week, they’re hosting the largest health IT conference in the world – 45,000+ – in Las Vegas! Dr. Kaplan, Founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health […]
Sientra Breast Implants Available Again

As you may have read in this previous post, Sientra breast implants have had a trying several months. But that may soon be behind them. As of tomorrow, March 1st 2016, they’ll be available again. The truth is, nothing was ever wrong with the implants. In an overabundance of caution, the company chose to […]
Liquid Nose Job Before and After Photos

I continue to be impressed with how a nonsurgical liquid nose job can transform the nose, and therefore the face, in unexpected ways. Up til now, if you wanted to change something about your nose, surgery was required. Shave down a bump, even out a divot, get more tip projection. But with the injection of […]
Will my breast implants drop?!

It’s a little nerve-racking after breast augmentation. The breast implants seem a little high but will they drop? The answer is that in a vast majority of cases, breast implants will drop into the correct position. You just have to be patient. Maybe the best ‘first’ question is why are they high in the […]
Latisse: Still the best thing going!

Want guaranteed eyelash growth at a reasonable cost? Latisse is still your best option. There are many products with endless promises – get rid of cellulite, stretch marks or melasma – but none of them really work or live up to those guarantees. Nothing except Latisse. It is amazing how the only FDA approved […]
Does CoolSculpting hurt?

These days everyone wants all the results with none of the surgery, but even that isn’t always enough. They also want their non-surgical treatment to be pain-free! While the technology out there nowadays can help you avoid surgery, freedom from pain isn’t always possible. However, if there’s a treatment out there that delivers on non-surgical […]
Lead Generation: A Number’s Game
I always enjoy reviewing the numbers of generated leads from the BuildMyBod Health platform. For those of you not familiar, this is a lead generation platform that uses healthcare price transparency as the “hook.” As demonstrated in the video above, a consumer can find a healthcare provider near them, use the BuildMyBod Price […]
Lip augmentation without duck lips!

There’s no excuse for duck lips! Seriously though, fillers have been on the market for years now and when it comes to lip augmentation, there’s no reason it has to be overdone. The purpose of most cosmetic procedures is to restore self-confidence and a youthful, rested appearance. The best cosmetic surgery is “invisible” wherein […]