IntrepidNow interview with Founder of BuildMyBod

In today’s post, we’re resharing a podcast conducted by Joe Lavelle of intrepidNow, a media company creating incredible content to dramatically improve the sales and marketing efforts of their clients. Here you go:   “Dr. Kaplan joined us to tell us about the great work that BuildMyBod is doing to ensure healthcare price transparency and also to discuss […]

Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery

anesthesia for cosmetic surgery

While anesthesia has improved over the last century and become less of a potential danger, patients are still worried about having “general” anesthesia. Luckily, there are many options when it comes to anesthesia for cosmetic surgery.   First off, depending on the type of cosmetic surgery, you may not even need general anesthesia. General anesthesia […]

Topical Botox

topical botox

The topical Botox wars are heating up! What, you didn’t know you could quit getting injections of Botox and just lather a Botox cream on your wrinkles?! Well, you can’t…at least not yet. Allergan, the maker of BOTOX® Cosmetic, the injectable drug that can smooth away wrinkles like the crow’s feet around the eyes or […]

What to look for in a hair transplant surgeon

hair transplant

A friend recently asked me if I do hair transplants in my plastic surgery practice. I told him that I do not even though it was part of my training in plastic surgery. He asked if I could help him do the research in finding a hair transplant surgeon for himself, and I obliged.   […]

Interview with a Breast Augmentation Patient [podcast]

breast augmentation

After seeing a patient for one procedure or another and after going through all of the details, they often ask to speak to a patient that went through the same journey. Breast augmentation is no different. Finding a former breast augmentation patient to speak to a new patient is not difficult. But you do worry […]

Why price is the pain point in 2016

This new year, 2016, is the year when consumers will recognize that price is the pain point in healthcare, just as it is with any other purchase. For far too long, healthcare has been immune to the normal market trends of price transparency and online purchasing.   The cost of healthcare wasn’t as great a […]

Ok to shower after surgery?

If you’ve ever gone to the ER due to a cut face or finger, the usual instructions after getting your laceration sewn up is, “don’t get it wet!” Like many things in medicine, there is a good deal of dogma – recommendations that are often repeated but lacking any real supporting evidence. Why isn’t is […]

Is it ok to get Botox while breastfeeding?

You may never ask a question that makes a plastic surgeon squirm as much as whether it’s ok to get Botox while breastfeeding! The reason is because no one is sure and no drug company wants to run a trial to determine its safety.   Understandably, testing pregnant or breastfeeding patients to see if Botox […]

Why eye creams won’t remove your undereye bags

I know you don’t want surgery but when it comes to undereye bags, eye creams aren’t gonna do it! Of course you’re thinking that it’s no surprise a plastic surgeon is encouraging you to get surgery but when you understand what causes undereye bags, you’ll see why eye creams won’t do the trick.   Undereye […]

How long will my Botox last?

Botulinum toxin, which comes in the form of the original BOTOX® Cosmetic, Xeomin and Dysport, is a godsend for many with wrinkles. In the past, wrinkles could only be treated with surgery like a browlift or facelift but now, surgery can be pushed off for longer.   Botox (including all brands), relaxes the muscles in […]

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