Top 4 Procedures in Male Plastic Surgery

When it comes to male plastic surgery, the four most common surgical procedures I’m seeing in my office are men interested in upper eyelid lift, neck lift, gynecomastia (male breast reduction) and liposuction of the abdomen.   Upper Eyelid Lift An upper eyelid lift is a very straightforward procedure to remove excess upper eyelid skin […]

Never say these 5 things to your cosmetic surgeon

This recent article in the Cosmetic Surgery Times by one of my favorite reporters, Lisette Hilton, discusses five things doctors should never say to their cosmetic patients. As a followup, I’ve compiled a list of five things a patient should never say to their cosmetic surgeon!   “My last doctor did a terrible job” That […]

Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks

While it’s not for weight loss, liposuction is “the bomb” when it comes to aggressive body contouring! As you can see in this photo to the left, this thin patient was unhappy with his flanks (love handles) and liposuction gave him the results he wanted. Let me emphasize, liposuction is best when it’s a thin […]

BuildMyBod Cyber Monday in the Cosmetic Surgery Times

Founder and CEO of BuildMyBod, Jonathan Kaplan MD, was featured in the recent issue of the Cosmetic Surgery Times. The article highlighted the use of BuildMyBod’s BuyNow online purchasing feature to allow consumers to purchase non-surgical services directly from Dr. Kaplan’s website during Cyber Monday.   While online purchases are always available throughout the year […]

Before and After Photos [podcast]

before and after photos

Photography isn’t just for selfies! A very interesting field within photography is medical photography and of personal interest to me is the before and after photos of cosmetic surgery patients. It’s not a matter of just pointing and shooting.   Before and after photos, to get them right, takes real skill. In this episode of […]

Breast Augmentation Recovery

The days of a six-week breast augmentation recovery are long gone. In fact, the only operation that takes a full six weeks of recovery may be open heart surgery! Seriously though, even hip or knee replacements have shifted the recovery process to getting the patient up and moving within days and discharged to a rehab […]

Welcome Dr. Peter Karsant DDS!

We here at BuildMyBod Health want to give a shout out and grand welcome to our newest dentist joining our price transparency network – Dr. Peter Karsant!   Dr. Karsant is the latest healthcare provider that recognizes the importance of price transparency. As you can see here on his website, Dr. Karsant has incorporated the […]

Liposuction for the saddle bags (outer thighs)

I know it’s a terrible term – saddle bags – but it is how my patients describe their outer thighs. So, I’m only using the term for ease of communication, even though it’s not my preferred terminology! These deposits of fat to the outer thighs make the saddle bags one of the most resistant areas […]

Waist Training…OMG!

Remember old photos from the 1800’s showing a woman wearing a corset to look thinner? Apparently, even with women making so much progress since the 19th century, you know with the right to vote and all, they may be picking up some old habits. I’m referring to waist training as it’s called now but it’s no […]

How do I generate leads for my website?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Chances are you’ve found lots of answers online from so-called experts. Well, here goes one of those so-called experts weighing in once again! Regardless of what your business is – medical office, clothing boutique or stationary store, you need customers and before that, you need to generate leads […]

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