Dr. Bonakdar is in! Podcast

Sound quality issue with this podcast. Our Apologies. Jonathan Kaplan, the founder/CEO of BuildMyBod and host of the BuildMyBod Health podcast discusses the Phi Lift, patient interactions and an upcoming open house with Dr. Monica Bonakdar of the Bonakdar Institute in Southern California. Listen to the podcast below and contact her office with your […]
When breast cancer isn’t breast cancer
In a study released today by JAMA Oncology and reported by the NY Times, it’s possible that 60,000 American women are being overtreated after receiving a diagnosis of early stage breast cancer. Here’s a succinct statement regarding the recently released study: “…based on the most extensive collection of data ever analyzed on the condition, known […]
Friending your doctor’s personal Facebook page? Podcast

In this podcast (listen below), Dr. Peter Kreymerman, a board certified plastic surgeon is interviewed by Jonathan Kaplan, founder and CEO of BuildMyBod.com. They discuss topics ranging from Dr. Kreymerman’s immigration from Russia, training at Cleveland Clinic and his practice in North Carolina. In particular, Drs. Kaplan and Kreymerman discuss whether it’s appropriate for […]
Asian Blepharoplasty Video
While many have heard of the term blepharoplasty, or an eyelid lift, this word refers to many types of eyelid procedures. You can have an upper or lower eyelid lift by removing excess skin or it can refer to the removal of fat from the upper or lower eyelid, often in conjunction with skin removal. And […]
Latisse vs Eyelash Extensions
I can’t believe I haven’t compared Latisse and eyelash extensions on this blog yet! It’s such an obvious topic and now that I’ve researched eyelash extensions, such a clear cost savings with Latisse. Here’s why. Currently, Latisse costs $179 for a 5-mL bottle that lasts 10-weeks. So that’s 2.5 months of product to get […]
Breast Augmentation Incision
Just because you’ve decided to get a breast augmentation doesn’t mean the decision-making is over. Similar to how we discussed smooth vs textured implants here, there’s also the decision regarding where you want your breast augmentation incision to be. If you need a lift at the same time, this post may not pertain to […]
Smooth or textured breast implants?
Similar to other age-old questions like cats vs dogs, tastes great vs less filling, Edward vs Jacob, Miley vs Taylor there’s smooth vs textured breast implants! Which is right for you? Let’s start with the simple one. If you want a more natural shape, not the fullness in the upper portion of the breast, […]
Radiesse for Hands [video]
RADIESSE®, the first and only dermal filler approved by the FDA for correction of volume loss in the hands, is now available from a doctor near you. RADIESSE for hands provides an immediate volumizing effect and can help to reduce the prominence of tendons and veins in the hands , delivering smooth, natural-looking results […]
Patients want healthcare pricing
You can determine the cost of a car or house before going to look at it, so why is it so difficult to figure out the cost of a medical procedure before going to see the doctor or more importantly, before getting the bill? Healthcare pricing is difficult because insurance companies have different rates with […]
Chin Implant Surgical Video
Questions about getting a chin implant? Well seeing is believing and hopefully understanding too. In the video below you’ll see how your plastic surgeon can place a chin implant with minimal pain and a short incision. Under deep sedation or general anesthesia, your doctor can make an incision just behind your chin so the […]