The 2015 ESPN Body Issue
If you haven’t seen it yet, you gotta check out the 2015 ESPN Body Issue here. I’ll be honest, apparently I’ve been living under a rock because while I’ve heard of the ESPN Swimsuit issue for years, I’ve never heard of the Body Issue and it’s been coming out annually since 2009. The athletes’ […]
Traditional liposuction for lipo etching
Ever heard of lipo etching? It’s not a terribly common procedure but one that patients request. Lipo etching creates lines in the abdominal skin so that you look like you have the contours of a “six-pack!” The interesting thing about lipo etching is that it’s the purposeful use of a “bad” technique to create […]
Revision liposuction – harder than you think!
So you’ve watched a bunch of videos online (like the one below) and you think liposuction is pretty easy. Stick the metal cannula in and pull it out, and voila the fat is gone! But it takes a bit more finesse than that to avoid contour deformities and divots by taking out too much fat. […]
Common sense returns to vaccinations
As reported by the NY Times here, the California Assembly (legislature) has passed strict new laws to ensure widespread vaccinations. But who would’ve thought Mississippi and West Virginia would have led California by example! That’s right, California’s Assembly just passed a law that requires vaccinations unless there is a medical reason not to do […]
The convenience of online purchasing
Technology is a great thing. Convenience abounds everywhere. Taxi hailing apps. Couriers bringing food and other needed household items via bicycle or scooter. Everything is available at the tap of a button. And it’s not even a real button – it’s a click on a virtual button! Well now your healthcare is accessible through […]
Body Contouring after Massive Weight Loss
It’s very frustrating for patients to be overweight, have a surgical weight loss procedure like a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, then lose hundreds of pounds but still unable to fit into smaller clothes because of excess skin. Body contouring after massive weight loss allows those patients to finally fit into smaller clothes without the […]
A visit to Cleveland Clinic
When was the last time you were at an amazing healthcare institution that just left you in awe? It’s probably not a question you ask yourself very often. In fact, you naturally hope to avoid a visit to the hospital but I had the pleasure of being at Cleveland Clinic this weekend for good reasons. […]
Good work isn’t cheap, cheap work isn’t good!
As a developer of a price transparency platform, BuildMyBod, I recognize the importance of consumers knowing their healthcare costs before going to a consultation or before getting their medical bill. However, you shouldn’t base your entire decision on cost because good work ain’t cheap and cheap work ain’t good! Sure you need to know […]
Chin Augmentation
Patients can be self-conscious about many aspects of their body. But in general, things are never as bad as they seem. This is particularly true when it comes to their chin. They may feel a great deal of facial disharmony – concerns about their nose, neck and chin – but a chin augmentation may be […]
The benefits of wonderful operating room staff
I know I’ve blogged about how patients are the real winners if they find a doctor who has his or her own operating room, but I can’t overemphasize that enough! Our in-office operating room is getting busier each week with new patients and the OR staff are really starting to shine. The key is […]