Brazilian Butt Lift: Do I have enough fat?
How many times have you asked yourself this question?! OK, maybe never but if you are one of the many consumers out there who want a bigger booty, you probably assumed you had enough fat because we often think we have more fat than we really do. But don’t kid yourself, it takes a lot […]
Liposuction in 60 seconds [video]
In the video below from our surgical library, we show how liposuction is not only a procedure in and of itself, but also a great adjunct to other procedures, such as an abdominoplasty. There has been concern with performing liposuction at the same time as a tummy tuck in the past but with better techniques, liposuction […]
Music in the Operating Room
I think most patients would be surprised to know that their surgeons listen to music in the operating room. While the operating room is a place for seriousness and focus, some may think music detracts from that singular focus we hope our surgeons have. However, you should consider music to be a supporting character […]
Breast Augmentation Video
Here, in another installment of our surgical video library, we review three potential risks of breast augmentation surgery. Not only will we discuss the risks, we’ll show you how to avoid them via a GoPro head-mounted video camera. A breast augmentation can be a very straightforward procedure in the right hands. The important thing […]
Bruce Jenner – Holy $hit!
I can’t think of a bigger pop cultural earthquake than this whole Bruce Jenner thing. I think my apoplexy is clear just from the title of this post – doesn’t that statement sum it up for most of us?! Regardless of what side you come down on this subject, the initial reports that the […]
Benefits of Educated Patients
A recent patient scheduled surgery for liposuction and a breast lift after consultation. A day or two after she booked (but before her surgery), she sent me an email with some follow up questions. All good questions but her questions also had links to online references to help explain her perspective and concerns. It was […]
Liposuction isn’t a license to binge!
I recently had a patient that came in for liposuction. Wonderful patient accompanied by a very cool wife. She was a great caregiver after his liposuction to his torso. He had a pretty straightforward recovery, and a lot of that had to do with excellent family support, specifically from his wife. And while most […]
Purchasing healthcare online: The next frontier
As consumers shoulder greater responsibility for a portion of their healthcare via high deductible health plans (HDHP), they’ll start to be more discerning as to what they purchase. Back when most charges were covered by insurance, there was no incentive to make intelligent purchases. With more out-of-pocket expenses, the consumer has every reason to […]
Price transparency at your fingertips
Who would have thought it possible just a few years ago?! Price transparency in healthcare was a thing considered to hard to accomplish. But now it’s here! BuildMyBod has found a way to give consumers and physicians what they want. Consumers get pricing info from doctors near them and doctors get a consumer lead for […]
Medical Slang: Turkey Neck
Turkey neck is a pretty harsh term in my opinion but it does adequately describe a sagging neck. In general, the neck can suffer from excess skin or excess fat but in the case of a turkey neck, it’s all of the above. These issues are treated in different ways. The patient to the […]