Improve the shape of your breasts
With so many breast enhancement procedures, it’s hard to know what is best for you. Larger breasts are instinctive but don’t forget that improving the shape is the ultimate goal. As can be in this “before” photo to the left, this patient has breasts that she would like to be fuller. However, if you […]
Saline to Silicone Breast Implant Exchange
In our continuing series of surgical videos via a head-mounted GoPro camera, we have a recently released video showing the exchange of a saline to silicone breast implant. There are various reasons why a patient would have their breast implants exchanged. It could be because the implant leaked or deflated. It could be because […]
Botox for the Gummy Smile
Is there anything Botox or Xeomin can’t do?! Aside from treating the jawline, Botox can also treat a gummy smile. That’s right! If you show more of your gums than you’d like when you smile, Botox and its equally effective competitor Xeomin can help. But there’s a few things to keep in mind when using […]
Breast Lift via GoPro Video
If you’ve been following our blog, you’ll see that we’re now able to educate patients on various surgical procedures using the GoPro head-mounted camera. Today’s installment is for a straightforward breast lift without implants. You see, not everyone in need of breast rejuvenation needs implants. If you have enough breast volume and just want […]
Short Scar Neck Lift via GoPro Video
If you’ve been following our blog, you’ll see that we’re now able to educate patients on various surgical procedures using the GoPro head-mounted camera. Today’s installment describes a short scar neck lift. For some patients that have a great deal of excess neck skin, sometimes called a turkey gobbler neck, they require removal of […]
Here’s How I Turned Traffic Into 150 Percent Lead Growth
When you first built your website, did your web developer promise more clicks and traffic? They may have even shown you stats backing up that claim, but at some point you realized that you can’t contact a “click” and you don’t know who’s in that traffic! That was the driving force behind my plan […]
Health Insurance Companies Don’t Care About You/Me
I believe in capitalism and I believe that a company shouldn’t be ashamed of trying to make a profit. After all, staying in business is the name of the game. But when it comes to your healthcare, there is some unwritten rule or maybe it is written in the form of the Hippocratic Oath, that […]
Skype Medical Consults
The future is here. I know it seems like it’s been here for a while, but it’s really here now! Doctors have been offering online consults for the last several years but the combination of better user experiences and higher speed internet service has made Skype medical consults a reality rather than just a good […]
Dr. Fredric Brandt: In memoriam
Dr. Fredric Brandt, a dermatologist to the stars, was recently found deceased in his Miami apartment from suspected suicide. I didn’t know Dr. Brandt. In fact, I had not heard of him until reading this NY Times article in March of 2014. Regardless, he is credited for bringing non-surgical options like Botox and filler wrinkle treatments […]
Want surgery? Ask a friend.
I just performed surgery on a patient. My patient had a friend who recently had the same procedure. It’s been a great recovery for both the patient and for me! During the consultation and preop visit, I always go over the surgery we’ll be performing, the risks and benefits, the process on the day […]