Selfie Makeover with Instagram Filters

As you can see here on Good Morning America, here and here, selfie makeovers using Instagram filters is a new trend. And unlike many trends within cosmetic surgery, this one is actually a healthy trend!   What patients are doing is taking a selfie on Instagram and then using one of Instagram’s filters, whether it be Sierra or Inkwell, […]

Avoiding the vertical scar in a breast lift

Unfortunately for many women, they aren’t a candidate for a straightforward breast augmentation and need a lift as well. So instead of simply making one small incision in which to insert the breast implant, they need additional incisions to remove excess skin and accomplish a breast lift (mastopexy) at the same time. Then the question […]

Posting prices doesn’t equate to price shopping

Many doctors and healthcare providers don’t like posting their prices online. The most common reasons cited are they don’t want consumers price shopping or their competitors to see how much they charge. But this is shortsighted.   If you don’t post pricing online, then the consumers that come in for a consultation with their plastic […]

Sheldon Silver and cancer doctor linked in scandal

I just read a story in the NY Daily News regarding the embattled Speaker of the New York State Assembly, Sheldon Silver, who held the reins over that institution for the last 20 years. For those of you that don’t know, he’s been charged by the US Attorney’s office for corruption and accepting bribes over […]

Founder of BuildMyBod on Good Morning America!

On Thursday, February 5th, Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, CEO of BuildMyBod appeared on Good Morning America. Rather than speaking about his role as the founder of BuildMyBod’s online marketplace, he was in the role of a plastic surgeon. He weighed in on the latest trend where patients are using Instagram filters to show their doctor how […]

Vatican anti-cosmetic surgery?!

A recent article in The Washington Times discusses the latest edict from the Vatican. The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture, a religious body that explores issues in contemporary culture criticizes cosmetic surgery as a “burqa made of flesh.” Wow, that’s quite the description!   First things first. I haven’t read the document released by the […]

Belly button piercing…be gone!

It seemed like a good idea at the time! Or maybe you were drunk? You and your bestie thought you’d be best friends forever and would forever sport your belly button piercing together? What, she’s not your best friend anymore? We all do things that we may regret one day but luckily belly button piercing […]

Get rid of the muffin top!

Do you look like these muffins in jeans?! Such a great photo – epitomizes the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words! The muffin top is a notoriously difficulty part of the flanks to hide when wearing jeans. You’re not obese or even overweight but there’s something about the excess fat in the love […]

Chubby cheeks: Buccal fat removal

Feel like you never lost those baby cheeks? Chubby cheeks are cute when you’re younger but maybe you were expecting them to give way to a thinner, more streamlined appearance as you grew up. There’s a treatment for chubby cheeks with minimal to no downtime.   The Cause of Chubby Cheeks The fullness in the […]

Price of Healthcare vs Cost of Healthcare

A recent Reuters article discusses the huge disparity in prices for common surgical procedures such as hip and knee replacement. The article highlights a study by Blue Cross Blue Shield that is self-serving to say the least. It points out how doctors and insurers charge high prices for these procedures and, depending on the facility, […]

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