Is Jenny McCarthy embarrassed?
As discussed in this NY Times article, there are now 59 confirmed cases in California of the totally-avoidable-with-a-vaccine viral illness measles. And of those 59 cases, 42 were contracted at Disneyland. So I ask Jenny McCarthy in absentia, how can you sleep at night? For years, after her son may be have been misdiagnosed […]
Best Surgeon in San Francisco?!
Well, it’s official (but not really)! A patient called and scheduled a body contouring consultation for CoolSculpting vs Liposuction. And as is customary when a patient schedules an appointment, our front office staff always asks how the patient found our practice. This particular patient said they googled, “best surgeon in San Francisco,” and I appeared! The irony […]
Surgery: Shorter is better
In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers found that longer surgery duration is associated with increased risk of blood clots forming in the leg and leading to a pulmonary embolism. What does this mean for you? A little background Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is the process by […]
Obagi Skin Care
What skin care products do you use? Neutrogena, Oil of Olay (if you’re a little older)? If you’ve found one that works well for you then there’s no need to change. But if you are indeed looking for a change, or curious what else may be out there, Obagi is one to consider. Obagi […]
Plastic Surgery Golden Globes 2015
I’m warning you now, it wasn’t the juiciest Golden Globes this year in regards to bad plastic surgery but there are a few tidbits worth mentioning. It was the year of facial grimaces and body language. Which is a shame because the image and vibe you display is easier to correct than surgery! Apparently Frances McDormand […]
Purchase Healthcare Services Online!
What’s the point of buying movie tickets online? You still have to go to the theater to see the movie so why not buy the tickets when you arrive? Because you want to avoid the lines, streamline the process of getting into the theater and pick a great seat. No one wants to miss the […]
Look Mom, no scars: Rhinoplasty
A rhinoplasty, or nose job, comes in all shapes and sizes, various techniques with different outcomes. It’s a complicated procedure for a very unique part of the face. Any deviation from the norm is quickly recognized due to the aesthetic importance of the nose and it’s relation to the face. So how do you correct […]
Mommy Makeover Plus
As you’ve read about before here, a Mommy Makeover can get your womanly shape back to it’s pre-pregnancy state. After your last child, you may be pining away for the body you used to have when your breasts and abdomen were tone and tight. Now there’s a Mommy Makeover Plus that can do the same […]
Brazilian Butt Lift Without Enough Fat
The Brazilian Butt Lift typically requires the liposuctioning of a large amount of fat from the abdomen, flanks, thighs and any other spot on the body and then injecting it into the buttocks for more volume. But not everyone has enough fat over their body to harvest and then inject to make a difference in […]
Fillers for laugh lines
Fillers are a great non-surgical option to fill in the lines on the face or plump up the lips. But with improving technology, fillers can be used for more than just the “parentheses lines.” Fillers for laugh lines is the next frontier! As you can see in these before and after photos, fillers for […]