J. Lo vs Kim Kardashian

Things were so much simpler in the ’90’s. Domino’s still delivered pizza in under 30 minutes. People still had home phones… and the only booty on the block was that of J Lo. It was on the bigger side but it was the right kind of big. But as with many things over the last […]

You made me more marketable! — Plastic Surgery Patient

I recently had a patient who gave me one of the best compliments. It was her second time coming in for Botox to correct overactive wrinkles on the forehead and crow’s feet and filler to provide volume to her cheeks and “parentheses lines.”   As a little background, she recently went through a divorce and […]

Botched: Season 1, Episode 7

As a follow up to my previous post on the E! show, Botched, and my review of episode 6, I’m going to provide further insight into the issues in episode 7 that they couldn’t touch on due to time constraints. I’ll point out potential alternative treatments and highlight some of the psychology with these complex […]

What Cosmetic Surgery Were Patients Considering in July?!

The beauty of having a website that provides pricing information for cosmetic surgery, is that patients are very eager to submit a wishlist to get instant answers to their pricing questions. This in turn provides interesting insight as to what cosmetic surgery patients are considering this summer.   In a first in our series, “What […]

The Cosmetic Surgery Loophole

What if I told you that any doctor can perform cosmetic surgery? You might suggest that you have to be a plastic surgeon but you’d be wrong! Believe it or not, the rules are lax enough regarding which type of doctor does which operation outside of a hospital or an accredited surgery center.   In […]

Risks (and Benefits) of a Deep Chemical Peel

skin resurfacing

Earlier today, a viewer of my YouTube video on the phenol-croton-oil deep chemical peel, asked about the risk of hypopigmentation (skin lightening). In other words, with a deep chemical peel, aside from improvement in deep wrinkles, does the skin lose pigment and result in patches of lighter skin?     As you can see in this […]

Sientra Round and Shaped Breast Implants [video]

Patients often ask what the differences are between round and shaped breast implants. The short video below compares the various options you have when it comes to breast implants for your breast augmentation or breast reconstruction. Either round or shaped implants can be used in cosmetic breast augmentation but the wide-based shaped implant is more […]

The CoolSculpting Machine [video]

We often discuss how CoolSculpting provides non-surgical fat reduction but we seldom discuss the actual machine and how it provides treatment. In the video below, we discuss the CoolSculpting machine itself and how it pulls skin into the suction cup and starts the “programmed cell death” of unwanted fat in the abdomen, thighs and love […]

Botched: Season 1, Episode 6

As a follow up to my previous post on the E! show, Botched, I’m going to provide further insight into each episode that they couldn’t touch on due to time constraints. I’ll point out potential alternative treatments and highlight some of the psychology with these complex patients. So here goes…Botched, season 1, episode 6!   […]

Online Pricing for Medical Tourism

As mentioned in Medical Tourism Magazine, “The Affordable Care Act has enabled some Americans to purchase health insurance for the first time, but providing fair-priced employee benefits remains a challenging prospect for U.S. employers,” said Jonathan Edelheit, CEO of the Medical Tourism Association®. “Even though the increased cost for insurance has been shifted on the […]

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