When is liposuction appropriate?
With such a great non-surgical alternative to liposuction, i.e. CoolSculpting, it’s harder and harder for consumers to know which is appropriate for them. Hopefully some of the comments below will help with your decision. If you only have distinct pockets of fat like the love handles or thighs, CoolSculpting may be right for […]
Medical Tourism Infographic
Dr. Alia Nasser, a doctor with the Verve Cosmetic Clinic in Australia sent me the medical tourism infographic below, over the weekend. It highlights some aspects of medical tourism throughout the world. This medical tourism infographic is very interesting. I’m not sure where they obtained the pricing listed for cosmetic procedures in the US, but […]
Office Based Operating Room: The patient benefits!
If you’re in the market for a plastic surgeon, look for one that has their own operating room in their office. I know this sounds self-serving since I am a plastic surgeon with their own operating room, but hear me out! As with any company, it’s natural to assume the president or CEO has […]
Code Black: A look into the future of healthcare
I think the official title of “Code Black,” a movie just released on June 20th 2014, is Code Black: A look into America’s busiest ER. Check out the trailer here. But I also think it’s a look into the future of healthcare for many Americans. The documentary, written and directed by an ER physician-in-training, Ryan […]
Is Medical Tourism Ever Safe?
Another horror story involving medical tourism came out of the Dominican Republic last week. A woman from New York went down to the DR for a tummy tuck and apparently died on the table. While details are murky at this point, there are a few lessons that can be drawn from this situation. Unfortunately for […]
Nose Job Cost
If you’re in the market for a rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job, there’s a few things you should now about the procedure, including nose job cost. A “straightforward” nose job may involve shaving down a bump on top or refining the tip of your nose. On the other hand, a more […]
Lower Lid Fat Removal …Without a Visible Scar!
Unhappy with the “bags” under your eyes? Do your lower lids look like the patient in this photo? Using a special technique, your doctor can perform lower lid fat removal on your “bags,” and make you look rested and refreshed like you used to be! The technique is called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty […]
Postoperative Complications: Go See Your Original Surgeon First
Today started out like any other Sunday but then I received a call from a plastic surgeon in another city. He asked if I could see one of his patients that he operated on 9 days ago in his city. He performed an operation that I also perform and since the patient was worried something […]
I’m a feminist and I got breast implants!
I want to introduce Grace Gold, our guest blogger for the day! Grace is a beauty journalist with credits such as The TODAY Show, CBS, ABC, FOX, Redbook, Elle, People, DoctorOz.com, Yahoo and AOL. She is on a crusade to help women become more comfortable with who they are, even if that requires a nip […]
Botched on E!
If you follow social media, the Kardashians or anything associated with the E! Entertainment network, you’ve probably heard of the new show “Botched.” The show follows 2 surgeons (a board certified plastic surgeon and a facial cosmetic ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat doctor) that treat patients who feel they were botched from their first cosmetic […]