Why Jenny McCarthy Should be Public Enemy #1
Another day and another headline revealing the effects of the anti-vaccination movement. The Washington Post published an article on May 29th, 2014 that starts off with: “The ongoing measles outbreak in the United States has reached a record for any year since the disease was eliminated in this country 14 years ago, with 288 […]
Physician Income: Why America is Not Sympathetic
Doctors work hard and they go to school for a very long time before getting to a point where they can make a healthy salary. However, when you combine the delayed gratification of their first real-world paycheck (anywhere from 7 to 12 years after completing college) and large student loans, that once healthy salary becomes […]
Price Awareness Improves Patient Experience
After taking over an existing plastic surgery practice here in San Francisco almost a year ago and providing pricing information on my private practice website, I’ve learned a few interesting things. Patients like price transparency! Allow me to explain. On our website, we have a Pricing tab. If you click on this tab, you’ll […]
Umbrage and the VA Hospital Scandal
Umbrage: feeling offended by what someone has said or done. That’s the definition of umbrage and if you’ve been following the scandal surrounding the VA (Veteran’s Administration) Hospital in Phoenix, you are hearing from a lot of politicians taking umbrage with the actions of that particular VA and how they provided very poor service to […]
Blepharoplasty and SurgiSculpting™
I recently had a patient come into our in-office OR for an upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) with fat injections to the hollows under the eyes and along the cheekbones. The procedure was performed under sedation, not general anesthesia. This means that the patient was given medication via her IV and drifted off to sleep. Her […]
CoolSculpting on eHealth Radio
You can now hear the latest on CoolSculpting on eHealth Radio by clicking here. Dr. Kaplan was interviewed by Eric Michaels, the host of the plastic surgery channel on eHealth Radio. The discussion included how CoolSculpting works (non-surgical fat reduction with freezing of fat cells) and who’s an appropriate candidate (anyone with stubborn […]
Bay to Breakers 2014: Do these runners need a nip and tuck?!
Just kidding…this post won’t perseverate on what plastic surgery is needed by the participants of the 103rd annual running of San Francisco’s Bay to Breakers 2014! The only reason cosmetic enhancements even came to mind is the extent of nudity that is part of this annual road race. For those of you not familiar, […]
CoolSculpting Your Thigh Gap Away!
By now you’ve heard of the non-surgical fat reduction technique called CoolSculpting. One of the things that separates CoolSculpting from all other non-surgical fat reduction treatments is that it works! And not only does it work to non-surgically reduce pockets of stubborn fat in the abdomen or love handles but it can also give you […]
Why are all of my Yelp reviews hidden?!
I don’t want to upset the Yelp gods by writing this post but what gives?! Seven months ago I took over Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery and when I did that, I also took over the social media, website and Yelp page for the practice too. The practice was previously headed by Dr. Donald Brown and […]
Calling All Men: CoolSculpting
Men are not looking for invasive cosmetic procedures. On the whole, they don’t want down time and they don’t handle pain as well as women. When it comes to pain, women get their “street cred” from childbearing whereas men obviously lack that experience. Now there’s CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting for Men This new technique […]