CoolSculpting: How it works

Back in 1970, a little known article was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, entitled Popsicle Panniculitis. Drs. Oren and Epstein noticed that children that frequently consumed popsicles had fat loss in their cheeks. Sometimes this fat loss even evolved into permanent dimples in their cheeks. The science behind the fat loss is […]

Sex and Plastic Surgery: Breast Augmentation

Considering breast augmentation? Here’s another reason why this may be the right decision for you! A study released last fall reveals how women in Brazil felt as though their sex life improved after breast augmentation.     There’s several theories why breast augmentation could improve your sex life. Physical reasons of course could be the […]

Sex and Plastic Surgery: G-Spot

I’m not an Ob-Gyn and I don’t suggest that I’m an expert in the field of sexual medicine or sexual function or dysfunction but I still think, from a common sense standpoint, that I can comment on a recent article from the Journal of Sexual Medicine.   In a 2012 issue of the journal, a […]

Sex and Plastic Surgery: Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty. A procedure that women research in privacy because of potential embarrassment. While some may dismiss the need for a labiaplasty, this is a real issue for some and should be addressed with sensitivity. Labiaplasty is a treatment for women that have excess tissue around the vagina, referred to as the labia minora. The labia […]

Breast symmetry: Sisters not twins!

Many patients interested in cosmetic breast surgery – whether it’s for enlargement, lift or both – often want their breasts to be perfectly even, or symmetrical after surgery. While I certainly understand that a large difference between breasts is unacceptable, it’s important for patients to have reasonable expectations. As Grant Stevens has said (although I […]

Health Care Costs and Your Credit

In the NY Times Sunday Review article, “When Health Costs Harm Your Credit,” I too know the harm unpaid health care bills can have on your credit. I learned this through a very bizarre turn of events. I’m a plastic surgeon. Back in 2010, I performed a body lift which is a cosmetic procedure to […]

Who wants a house call from their plastic surgeon?!

A house call may be a thing of the past for logical reasons but it can come in handy at times. Back in the day, when there were limited treatment options for patients other than elixirs from the apothecary, it made sense for a doctor to go to a home and provide “treatment.” However, as […]

The shave biopsy should be outlawed!

This is a more technical blog post than I like to write but I think it’s important to make an effort. If you have ever required a biopsy of a suspicious looking skin lesion, then you might wonder why so many procedures over so many visits by more than one doctor was supposedly necessary. I […]

Make me look like this! Celebrity photos

I always get a kick out of patients bringing in celebrity photos and saying, “make me look like this!” Typically they want a nose like Princess Kate or a booty like Kim Kardashian.   While there’s nothing wrong with clarifying to your plastic surgeon in very explicit terms what you want, those expectations may not […]

BuildMyBod at the Oscars 2014 Edition

Here’s the Oscars 2014 Edition from BuildMyBod! In case you want to read our live tweets posted during the Pre-Oscars Red Carpet, click here. In this blog, we’ll discuss who’s “enhanced” their look or who’s lucky enough to just keep it real. But what’s so interesting about that? Is there anything new about celebrities getting […]

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