High Deductible Health Plans Make for Better Consumers of Healthcare

In the recent article by Robert Pear in the NY Times, consumers are learning that their deductibles will be higher in the Affordable Care Act (italics added by this author). This act would be more appropriately named the Accessible Care Act because for most, it will make health insurance more accessible but not more affordable. […]

Juvederm Voluma: Now Available in San Francisco

Well, it’s finally here. I wrote about the impending approval of Juvederm Voluma in a previous blog post but now it’s available right here in San Francisco.  For those of that are unfamiliar with Juvederm Voluma or want to learn more, continue reading.   Juvederm Voluma is a new product from Allergan, the same company […]

Note to Concierge Medicine: Watch Out for the Charlatans Among You!

As reimbursements continue to go down, especially with the Medicaid expansion across the US, and other attempts at reducing costs, more and more physicians will stop taking insurance. This comment is not an attempt to pull at American’s heartstrings with sympathy for doctor pay. It’s a statement. A statement that is anecdotally supported by a […]

Friggatriskaidekaphobia (Fear of Friday the 13th)

Never heard of friggatriskaidekaphobia?! It’s the fear of Friday the 13th (today, if you’re reading this on Friday the 13th, 2013). How do you come up with a word like that? Well, Frigga is the name of the Norse goddess for whom “Friday” is named in English and triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number […]

The Republican Slugfest

Last week’s NY Times article highlighting Republican’s continued efforts to mount legal challenges to the new healthcare law are embarrassing me as a Republican-leaning independent. For one, this ship has sailed. The opposition may have future victories in court but they’ll be minor in comparison to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Act. The Affordable […]

To Offer BHRT or Not to Offer BHRT?

After six months in practice here in San Francisco, I noticed many patterns in this tech-savvy, co-ed intellectual workforce. One is the request for BHRT or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to help stave off cardiac, intellectual and emotional changes associated with aging. Because the provision of this type of medical care is not isolated to […]

Industry Influence on Statin Guidelines

A couple of weeks ago when the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) came out with their 2013 Guidelines for who should and should not be on statin therapy to lower their bad cholesterol levels, I was surprised – surprised by recommendations of widespread expansion of statin use.  The new guidelines recommended what […]

Price Transparency in the Emergency Room

In a recent NY Times article, the costs in the ER were discussed yet again. This is an ongoing problem that shows the most expensive care is typically in the emergency room. It’s not really a new revelation but by highlighting the actual charges patients are receiving in their bills, it’s just as alarming (Coincidentally, […]

Aging Gracefully

In a recent article in the NY Times, Steven Petrow discussed his ongoing “battle” with his vanity. From non-surgical and surgical plastic surgery to less invasive, but no less stressful hair treatments, he gives interesting insight into the fight to age gracefully.   While reading his testimonial, I noticed that he included his NY Times […]

10 Things You Don’t Know About BuildMyBod

1. BuildMyBod starts the conversation about plastic surgery. BuildMyBod is a consumer-searchable database of plastic surgeon-provided pricing information on cosmetic procedures that customers want. The ultimate question every patient has that’s interested in cosmetic surgery is, “How much is it going to cost?” BuildMyBod allows them to determine cost prior to going in for a […]

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