Dark circles under the eyes: Fillers vs Surgery
These days, if a patient can avoid surgery, they’ll try, even if it means a substandard result. But when it comes to dark circles under the eyes, avoiding surgery can actually be the right decision. Dark circles under the eyes Whether surgery or fillers are right for dark circles depends on what’s causing them. […]
Sometimes, it’s best to stage cosmetic procedures
Over the weekend we received these photos from a patient. Aside from the fact that these are great quality before and after photos – consistent angle and lighting, having the foresight to take a ‘before’ photo to compare to her ‘after’ photo – they also point out something very important. Sometimes, it’s necessary to stage […]
Reducing sticker shock for medically necessary and cosmetic services [video]
There’s probably nothing more frustrating for a consumer and physician than a consultation that ends in sticker shock. How can a doctor’s website provide so much information about a procedure, but nothing useful when it comes to the consumer’s expected out-of-pocket costs?! It doesn’t have to be that way. How Ohio Surgery Center reduces […]
This gummy smile treatment is amazing!
One of the more unknown benefits of Botox is for gummy smile treatment. A gummy smile is the result of smiling that moves the upper lip enough to reveal the gums, more than one would like. In addition to lifting the upper lip, the lip also thins out, further revealing the gums. Gummy smile […]
Do I need to change my breast implants? [video]
Consumers read a lot about breast augmentation online. Their one takeaway is, “do I need to change my breast implants every 10 years?” They don’t necessarily remember details about capsular contracture or they can’t find out how much their prospective doctor charges, but they’ve heard of the 10 year rule! Well, it’s not true. But more […]
Be patient, your breast implants will drop! [video]
There’s nothing more angst-ridden for a patient (and their plastic surgeon) than waiting for breast implants to drop. But as the case below demonstrates, breast implants will drop, eventually. It may take some time and in rare cases, a revision may be necessary to get them perfectly symmetrical. But in all cases, the implants will […]
Botox and Xeomin for migraines, TMJ, gummy smile etc
BOTOX® and XEOMIN® are similar injections that many doctors use to treat wrinkles to the face. They work by relaxing muscles that cause those wrinkles. But today, we’re going to focus on some of the less common uses of Botox and Xeomin. Treating migraines with Botox and Xeomin Not everyone is a candidate for […]
Do people get plastic surgery in San Francisco?
The other day I was in a Lyft going somewhere awesome I’m sure! The driver asked what I did and I explained that I’m a plastic surgeon. Their first comment was, “do people get plastic surgery in San Francisco?” This was her thought process: she simply thinks of San Francisco as a city of residents […]
Put the swimming bitmoji on the liposuction canister. Wait, what?!
The language spawned by social media is bizarre to say the least. Snaps, posts, likes, tags, giphys, stickers and the almighty bitmoji. We’re not talking about just lingo or coined terms within social media. It’s the combination of lingo with normal everyday speech that make for very strange, surreal conversations. So many bitmoji, so […]
To BBL or Not to BBL?
For the uninitiated, BBL is short for Brazilian Butt Lift. Some think it’s only an operation for those starring in a J. Lo or Pitbull video. “Butt” it can be appropriate for more patients than you’d expect. Who’s a candidate for a BBL? Due to popular culture, it’s not surprising most people think a BBL […]