How to ruin a good thing when it comes to social media in the OR

social media

  Social media in the OR (operating room) is a wonderful tool for our practice. I recently wrote about the 5 ways social media has transformed my practice here and here. But for every 5 reasons to utilize social media in one’s practice, someone will find one way to ruin it for everyone.   Social […]

Guys know what guys want

what guys want

It’s a battle of the sexes!   Many female plastic surgeons wisely market themselves as being able to relate better to female patients. This is cleverer than other marketing strategies. For example, saying you’re board certified doesn’t adequately distinguish a plastic surgeon since most are also board certified. But when a woman promotes herself as […]

The Beauty of FaceTime Consults

facetime consults

With broadband internet capabilities and smartphones, it’s so easy to see a patient now. Skype used to be a mainstay for online consults. But with the seamless incorporation of FaceTime video into your iPhone, it’s never been easier. There’s really no reason a patient can’t see their doctor now. I recognize there’s still a need […]

Let’s talk about anatomy [video]


Doctors-in-training spend the first 6 months of medical school learning about anatomy. Dissecting this tissue from that tissue on people that were generous enough to donate their bodies to science. However, doctors must recognize that our patients did not attend medical school. So there’s a knowledge gap. And to bridge that gap, we must ensure […]

Getting a breast aug doesn’t make you a shallow person

breast aug

In this recent interview with Anna Farris, she discusses her decision to get a breast aug (boob job). There are many reasons women decide to get a breast aug but it seems like it is often different than what society assumes.   Why get a breast aug? It may be easy to believe that women […]

5 things Botox patients say

botox patients

We recently held a Botox/Xeomin party at a local clothing boutique in town. The owner provided us with a few pearls regarding the benefits of Botox or Xeomin. So here are 5 things botox patients might say. You won’t find these in a scholarly journal!   The things Botox patients say!         […]

Is cosmetic surgery taboo? Not anymore!

cosmetic surgery taboo

There are many myths surrounding cosmetic surgery. Everyone used to think it was only for rich people. Then Congress considered a tax on cosmetic surgery, only to realize it would mostly affect middle class women. That’s not the group you want to tax during an election year! And many consider cosmetic surgery taboo. That it […]

What’s your pain point when it comes to cosmetic surgery?

pain point

Patients often ask me what procedure they should have. A surgical or non-surgical option…this type of lift or that type of lift? In addition to ensuring they’re a good candidate for one procedure or another, it also comes down to what their pain point is. Here are a few examples to elucidate my point.   […]

What makes before and after photos bogus?!

before and after photos

With the advent of Instagram and the widespread sharing of before and after photos by doctors to an ever-increasing audience, the consumer needs to be wary. All is not what it seems. Sharing before and after photos isn’t new. For years doctors have shared their photo gallery on their own website. But that’s not the […]

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