Why everything, including cosmetic surgery, will be more expensive now
Here’s the sad truth. Everything will be more expensive now. Regardless of what business you as a customer frequent, the business owners’ expenses are going up. And they’re not arbitrarily using COVID as a pretext to raise their prices. Expenses are up because restaurants, clothing stores, doctor’s offices etc are spending more on personal protective […]
Ice cream shop : takeout food :: cosmetic surgery : elective surgery
Think back to your SATs. Remember the analogies? The goal was to determine the relationship between the first pair of words and then choose the second pair of words that had an equivalent relationship. In the title above, ice cream shops are to takeout food as cosmetic surgery is to elective surgery. In other words, […]
Will HIPAA privacy rules be relaxed permanently?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, better known as HIPAA, is a huge piece of legislation. While many new laws emanate from this Act, most Americans associate HIPAA with privacy and privacy alone. While the goal of “privacy” is certainly well-meaning, this bill instills so much frustration in the modern healthcare landscape. […]
Yes, we charge for virtual consults
For years now, our consultation fee has been $100. This payment holds your spot on the schedule. In our experience, if we don’t request a consultation fee, the “no show” rate is higher. And it’s not a wasted $100 regardless. If you do purchase products, injectables or book a cosmetic procedure, that $100 goes towards […]
COVID-19 rapid antibody testing and you
While we were all quarantining at home, I wrote this article arguing that testing for COVID-19 was pointless at the time. Sure, if you were really sick in the hospital and your doctor suspected coronavirus, it made sense to get the test. But if you, like everyone, was on lockdown, why get a test? If you’re […]
America has to reopen for business… but not at the same time
This post may ultimately sound self serving because I’m recommending something that benefits my city and my business. But it doesn’t make these recommendations any less appropriate. San Francisco is ready to reopen for business at the end of the current shelter-in-place order (beginning of May). And that includes allowing a vast majority of businesses […]
Why COVID-19 deaths are lower in San Francisco (so far)
Many theories abound as to why COVID-19 deaths are lower in San Francisco. This article in USA Today reviews several of them. But before reviewing the possible reasons, we should also be clear that it’s not time to celebrate just yet. The city, state and nation are still in the throes of this pandemic. However, […]
Changes in a post COVID-19 society that are here to stay
Like everyone, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about COVID-19. What I’m realizing is that the changes in social etiquette and the rise of alternative business models and communication are here to stay, post COVID-19. For example, telemedicine, previously an “option” in healthcare, will finally have its day in the sun. Here’s a list of […]
Why you probably don’t need a COVID-19 test (anymore)
I’ve been saying this for about a week, and so is Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Not everyone needs a COVID-19 test. In this overview I wrote over a week ago, I said that it would be nice if everyone could get a test but supplies weren’t readily […]
Coronavirus overview by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan
Wash your hands, wipe down surfaces, don’t touch your face and practice social distancing. If nothing else, that’s what you should take away from this coronavirus overview. But keep reading to learn important details about this epidemic. Such as, how we can make it end with less collateral damage? How does it compare to a […]