The fallacy of treatment for physician burnout
I take a boxing class twice a week for cardio conditioning and strength training. While the catharsis provided by a punching bag could be a sign of deep rooted anger, I don’t think of myself as having above average pent up aggression. After class this past week, my boxing instructor asked what I do to […]
What is breakthrough COVID? [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here with Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 Now. And of course I am here with a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. How you doing Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: I’m great, Greg. Good to see you. Greg: It is good to see you too, especially now. I mean, […]
What’s in our coronavirus future?

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 Now and of course that handsome face is board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hello Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Thanks for the compliment, Greg. Happy to be here. Greg: You’re welcome. I’m glad that you appreciate the compliment. You could […]
The masks are coming off! What will they reveal?! [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 997 Now, and I’m here with a Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bae. Good to see you again, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey Greg. Greg: How’s it going? Dr. Bae: Going well, going well. I just want to point out that that […]
Bae Break: Discussing the Three Vaccines [video]

Greg: Hey. This is Greg here with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae, This time via video. I love this. I love this new look you got going on here, Dr. Bae. Jonathan Kaplan: Thanks. Appreciate you joining me. This is going to be our new vlog, Bae Break Example thing that we’re going to […]
Three vaccines: Pros and cons

And then there were three. That’s right, three vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J). All highly efficacious according to Dr. Anthony Fauci. And we have these three vaccines not even a year after the first shelter-in-place orders were issued in the US. Now that they’re all available, let’s review how these three vaccines […]
You’re worried about this vaccine?! And other myths!

In the run up to the current vaccine approvals and post approval process, I’m blown away by what is making people worried about this vaccine. I’m not surprised they’re worried. Totally get that. But surprised by what they’re worried about! Anxiety and fear are completely understandable for a vaccine that was developed in record time […]
Facial fillers and the COVID vaccine

If you saw this article or others, you know by now there’s a potential reaction between facial fillers and the COVID vaccine. If you’re considering not getting the vaccine, this should not be the reason behind your decision. Read on. Facial fillers and the COVID vaccine First off, it’s not usual to have a […]
The vaccine is near! The vaccine is safe!

It’s unheard of. The development of a vaccine in 6 months! Usually vaccine development takes 5-10 years. But even after the impossibly difficult stage of developing the COVID vaccine ends, another difficult stage begins: distribution. According to the Wall Street Journal, we could get the vaccine by next week. And while getting the vaccine to […]
If a vaccine is approved, don’t let Kamala scare you from taking it!

The Vice Presidential debate last week may seem like forever ago. But who can forget Kamala Harris’ statement that she would accept a vaccine from the FDA but not from President Trump. Whether you heard it or not, it’s still nonsense. This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the scientific […]