The Plight of the Rural Hospital [podcast]


We take our local or community hospital for granted. But that may not always be the case for Americans out in the country. The rural hospital could go the way of the country store due to decreasing funds from the local, state and Federal government. In this podcast, we’ll discuss the economics of a rural […]

Latisse vs Eyelash Extensions

I can’t believe I haven’t compared Latisse and eyelash extensions on this blog yet! It’s such an obvious topic and now that I’ve researched eyelash extensions, such a clear cost savings with Latisse. Here’s why.   Currently, Latisse costs $179 for a 5-mL bottle that lasts 10-weeks. So that’s 2.5 months of product to get […]

Patients want healthcare pricing

You can determine the cost of a car or house before going to look at it, so why is it so difficult to figure out the cost of a medical procedure before going to see the doctor or more importantly, before getting the bill? Healthcare pricing is difficult because insurance companies have different rates with […]

The BuildMyBod Cost Estimator

Gone are the days of getting a healthcare service and not knowing your out-of-pocket costs before the bill shows up. Using the BuildMyBod cost estimator, you can find a doctor, their services and out-of-pocket costs before getting that service.   Considering that you can get estimated costs for pretty much anything online, healthcare should be […]

THE Aesthetic Show

Do you recognize the guy on the left? That’s Dr. Andrew Ordon, the plastic surgeon on the Emmy-nominated show, The Doctors. I met him this past weekend while presenting at THE Aesthetic Show in Las Vegas.   I presented on one of my favorite topics – price transparency in healthcare. Using the platform that I […]

Price Transparency Software

Are you frustrated with the lack of price transparency in healthcare yet?! As a consumer, you’re not the only one annoyed with the difficulty in getting pricing information before you get your medical bill. Doctors and other providers are feeling quite inadequate due to their inability to help patients determine cost after the doctor has […]

Common sense returns to vaccinations

As reported by the NY Times here, the California Assembly (legislature) has passed strict new laws to ensure widespread vaccinations.   But who would’ve thought Mississippi and West Virginia would have led California by example! That’s right, California’s Assembly just passed a law that requires vaccinations unless there is a medical reason not to do […]

The convenience of online purchasing

  Technology is a great thing. Convenience abounds everywhere. Taxi hailing apps. Couriers bringing food and other needed household items via bicycle or scooter. Everything is available at the tap of a button. And it’s not even a real button – it’s a click on a virtual button! Well now your healthcare is accessible through […]

A visit to Cleveland Clinic

When was the last time you were at an amazing healthcare institution that just left you in awe? It’s probably not a question you ask yourself very often. In fact, you naturally hope to avoid a visit to the hospital but I had the pleasure of being at Cleveland Clinic this weekend for good reasons. […]

Purchasing healthcare online: The next frontier

  As consumers shoulder greater responsibility for a portion of their healthcare via high deductible health plans (HDHP), they’ll start to be more discerning as to what they purchase. Back when most charges were covered by insurance, there was no incentive to make intelligent purchases. With more out-of-pocket expenses, the consumer has every reason to […]

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