5 things Botox patients say

We recently held a Botox/Xeomin party at a local clothing boutique in town. The owner provided us with a few pearls regarding the benefits of Botox or Xeomin. So here are 5 things botox patients might say. You won’t find these in a scholarly journal! The things Botox patients say! […]
What’s your pain point when it comes to cosmetic surgery?

Patients often ask me what procedure they should have. A surgical or non-surgical option…this type of lift or that type of lift? In addition to ensuring they’re a good candidate for one procedure or another, it also comes down to what their pain point is. Here are a few examples to elucidate my point. […]
What makes before and after photos bogus?!

With the advent of Instagram and the widespread sharing of before and after photos by doctors to an ever-increasing audience, the consumer needs to be wary. All is not what it seems. Sharing before and after photos isn’t new. For years doctors have shared their photo gallery on their own website. But that’s not the […]
Botox for Camels?

A couple years ago, I wrote this article about clickbait – the use of eye-grabbing titles to capture a reader’s attention but then directing them to an article that’s less interesting or totally unrelated. My article was entitled, “Trending: Zookeepers Performing Cosmetic Surgery on Zoo Animals?!” It was just a joke and intended to simulate […]
Founder/CEO of BuildMyBod featured in Radiesse Golden Ticket campaign

Merz, the makers of Radiesse and Belotero, recently completed their Radiesse Golden Ticket campaign. Three lucky winners received a makeover to the lines and wrinkles of their lower face. Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder and CEO of BuildMyBod and board-certified plastic surgeon was the treating physician for the third winner. Radiesse Golden Ticket winner and […]
This is your best chance to look like Christie Brinkley!

If Christie Brinkley uses XEOMIN®… …so can you! Even supermodel Christie Brinkley uses XEOMIN® (similar to BOTOX® Cosmetic) to treat the wrinkles like the 11’s between the eyebrows, the crow’s feet and the wrinkles on the forehead. We’re not promising you’ll look like Christie Brinkley after your XEOMIN® treatment, but you certainly won’t […]
Now that Kylie is pregnant, can she still get lip fillers and Botox?!

Do you think it’s ridiculous that I’m writing about Kylie Jenner? Or that this is the second time I’ve written about Kylie Jenner?! Well, before you answer that question, ask yourself why are you reading this post! But I will tell you why I’m writing about the fact that Kylie is pregnant. It’s because it’s […]
Angelina Jolie and Bell’s Palsy…and maybe Botox! [video]

Bell’s Palsy is a condition that results in a sudden onset of paralysis/droop to one side of the face and affects 40,000 Americans every year. It’s believed to be caused by the same herpes virus that causes a cold sore. The cause is also considered idiopathic – which is just a fancy term for we’re […]
How easy is it to treat a gummy smile?

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Xeomin are very popular injectable treatments that relax the muscles causing wrinkles in the face. But did you know these can also be used to treat a gummy smile like the patient above? The ‘before’ is on the left the after is on the ‘right.’ Thanks to this lovely patient for sharing her […]
How to avoid duck lips with lip filler [video]

Lip augmentation is a very common procedure with many options to plump up your lips. And even though it’s a relatively easy procedure, the most common concern is that you’ll end up with duck lips. Why does that happen? Can’t a person recognize they’ve had too much filler or able to avoid that appearance in the […]