NAD+ Injections

Interested in NAD+ injections? Keep reading to learn more about their extensive benefits. These injections provide a powerful solution to replenish vital levels and boost your quality of life! This innovative therapy may help you: Boost energy levels Enhance mental clarity and focus Support cellular health and repair Improve mood and stress Please take a […]
The Biggest Trends in Male Surgery Right Now

Women aren’t the only ones flocking to their plastic surgeon’s office to undergo treatment for whatever bothers them. Men are equally as concerned with how they’re aging. In the early 30s, testosterone levels start to decline by about one percent per year, giving way to skin and body changes that progress with natural aging. So […]
Postop Recovery Tips

No matter what procedure you’re having, you’ll need to prepare for some physical (and possibly emotional) limitations after surgery. Set yourself up for success with a few insider tips, as recommended by former surgical patients. A few things I wish I knew before surgery Post-op constipation is real. The combination of narcotic […]
Men get liposuction too!

As gender roles evolve in the work place and at home, there’s still a misconception about who can and can not get cosmetic surgery. In addition to other surgical and non-surgical services as discussed here, men get liposuction too! Men get liposuction too! Man’s resistance to getting cosmetic surgery may be a societal convention. […]
Guys know what guys want

It’s a battle of the sexes! Many female plastic surgeons wisely market themselves as being able to relate better to female patients. This is cleverer than other marketing strategies. For example, saying you’re board certified doesn’t adequately distinguish a plastic surgeon since most are also board certified. But when a woman promotes herself as […]
Popular procedures for men

Cosmetic surgery isn’t a taboo subject anymore. Also, it’s not just for the wealthy. And finally, it’s not just for women. More men are getting cosmetic services (surgical or non-surgical) than ever before. But what procedures are they getting? Based on the procedures that men are most commonly requesting pricing on through the BuildMyBod Price […]
Liposuction vs Gynecomastia Correction
Calling all men! Do you think you have gynecomastia (excess male breast tissue) or maybe it’s just excess fat? The underlying problem will determine what operation is right for you. If you have excess breast tissue, referred to as gynecomastia, this means you have fibrous tissue commonly associated with breasts, not fat. Because it’s […]
The Mini Necklift!
If you’re the right candidate, you can get a necklift without the big painful scars behind the ears! It all breaks down like this: depending on what’s “wrong” with your neck – excess skin, excess fat or a lax neck muscle (platysma) – will determine which procedure is best for you. Which necklift is […]
What to look for in a hair transplant surgeon

A friend recently asked me if I do hair transplants in my plastic surgery practice. I told him that I do not even though it was part of my training in plastic surgery. He asked if I could help him do the research in finding a hair transplant surgeon for himself, and I obliged. […]