Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery joins BuildMyBod Health

Big news! If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you probably want to know how much it costs? You’re not alone. BuildMyBod Health, the first platform to offer doctor-provided pricing information to consumers has a new first. The Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery Department chose BuildMyBod to showcase the prices of their world renowned surgeons. Remember, these are […]

Online Purchases for Healthcare Services

online booking

In the past, you would get a healthcare service and then get the bill after the fact. Maybe it was covered by your insurance or maybe you owed a lot of money. But now, with consumers shouldering more of their healthcare costs with high deductible health plans, consumers are demanding to know costs ahead of […]

Plastic Surgery Financing!


In the past, plastic surgery was thought to be only for the rich. That wasn’t true then and it isn’t true now. The only difference is people now understand that plastic surgery financing is a reality. While discussing the increased accessibility to plastic surgery financing, remember that no one needs cosmetic surgery. And financially sound […]

BuildMyBod Founder Speaking at ASPS 2016

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health, the platform that provides price transparency in healthcare, will be speaking in Los Angeles at the year’s biggest plastic surgery meeting!   BuildMyBod Health allows consumers to connect with healthcare providers to check the cost of their care – before receiving that care – through an automated online Price […]

Treating patients the way I want to be treated

things after surgery

Prior setting up my practice, there were a few things that always annoyed me in healthcare settings when I wasn’t the one making the decisions. Simple things like excessive paperwork for the doctor and patient. Too many healthcare providers asking the same list of questions to the same patient. Sending you home with a prescription […]

Who needs Yelp when you have this patient testimonial!


Sure patients review Yelp but you know what’s more effective than words? A picture…or in this case a video! We had a previous one-of-our-favorite patients come in the other day and she made herself even more endearing. When we asked if we could record her postop examination that day for our Snapchat story, she did […]

Well, I didn’t learn that in med school!

med school

I’m blown away each passing year with what I didn’t learn in med school. I’m not suggesting med school is to blame for not preparing me for a plastic surgery private practice. You can’t expect a body of coursework from 10 to 15 years ago to prepare you for this rapidly changing world. I’m simply […]

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc!

Every conference I go to, there’s always a discussion on social media and if it can be used to engage patients. Some say yes, some say no. I remember when doctors started using Facebook and Twitter years ago. Back then, the answer was a definite yes, it works! But now Facebook and Twitter have given […]

What I learned from Dr. Miami

If you’re on Snapchat then you probably know Dr. Miami already. His plastic surgery practice in the Bal Harbour area of Miami accounts for 1-2% of all Snapchat traffic! Not sure what Snapchat is? It’s a social media outlet that allows anyone to document their day in 10-second video or photo clips. Not impressed?   […]

Social Media in the Operating Room

When I was in residency, I thought the hardest thing to do was learn how to do a facelift. Once I got into practice, the hardest thing to do was learn how to run a business, since ultimately, a medical practice is a business that cares for patients. Now I realize, the hardest thing to […]

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