Beware of Medical Tourism [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And I’m back here with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hey, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Greg: What’s going on? Dr. Bae: Things are good. We are seeing patients regularly, busy. Everybody’s like kind of getting their COVID […]
Botched, smotched with Greg and Dr. Bae [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m back with my buddy, Dr. Bae, board certified plastic surgeon. What’s going on, Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: All is well. Thanks for having me, Greg. Botched Greg: My camera’s sliding over here. I’ve got to be careful. I’m banging […]
Bae Break: The meaning behind “Board Certified” [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And I’m here with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hey, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Glad to be here. Thanks for joining me for our second episode. The origin of Dr. Bae Greg: I got a couple things I […]
The difficulty in diagnosing Breast Implant Associated Illness (BIAI)

If you’re considering a breast augmentation, then you’ve no doubt heard about two potential medical issues. One is Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, or ALCL, and the other is Breast Implant Associated Illness, or BIAI. ALCL, which you can read about here, is a more limited issue that has affected a total of 733 people globally. […]
Why coronavirus and cosmetic surgery are surging

After the protests in June, and celebrations involving Memorial Day and July 4th weekends, we’re seeing an inevitable surge associated with mass gatherings. This leads to a continuing shelter-in-place, reducing travel plans and working from home for the foreseeable future. These mass gatherings and changes in consumer behavior are leading to a surge in both […]
So are we to believe some mass gatherings are ok during a pandemic?

Early on in this pandemic, the recommendations from the CDC and state authorities were pretty clear when it came to mass gatherings: don’t have them. In fact, the CDC reiterates this guidance in an update from July 7th, 2020. The highest risk of spread of the coronavirus comes from “large in-person gatherings where it is […]
Hospitals and surgery centers not performing cosmetic surgery

Here in San Francisco, the city and health department issued a directive on May 15th allowing elective surgery. In the directive, it was very clear elective surgery, including cosmetic surgery and dental procedures, could move forward. For this reason, we began performing cosmetic surgery in our in-office AAAASF accredited operating room the following Monday, May […]
Ice cream shop : takeout food :: cosmetic surgery : elective surgery

Think back to your SATs. Remember the analogies? The goal was to determine the relationship between the first pair of words and then choose the second pair of words that had an equivalent relationship. In the title above, ice cream shops are to takeout food as cosmetic surgery is to elective surgery. In other words, […]
America has to reopen for business… but not at the same time

This post may ultimately sound self serving because I’m recommending something that benefits my city and my business. But it doesn’t make these recommendations any less appropriate. San Francisco is ready to reopen for business at the end of the current shelter-in-place order (beginning of May). And that includes allowing a vast majority of businesses […]
Do you need a nurse at home after cosmetic surgery?

The short answer is no, I don’t think you need a nurse at home after cosmetic surgery. But before everyone starts throwing digital vegetables at me via the comments section, hear me out. So…what am I thinking?! Need a nurse at home after cosmetic surgery? Not necessarily Why do you go to your cardiologist […]