Should I gain weight before my BBL?

When posting our surgery on Snapchat, many of our viewers have asked if they should gain weight before their BBL. The idea is that if they eat more and gain weight, there will be more fat available to inject into their buttocks. What do you think? Gain weight before my BBL? Good idea or […]
Limitations on liposuction

If you’re considering liposuction to remove excess fat, do your research to ensure you’re a good candidate. What makes a good candidate? A good candidate is related to why you want liposuction in the first place. Why are you getting liposuction? Sure you’d like to get rid of some fat. Liposuction is great for […]
Medications to pack when traveling abroad

When traveling abroad, you need to be prepared for almost any eventuality, not least of all, illness or minor malady. Consider the fact that if you need a prescription, even for something minor, you would have to go to an emergency room to get it. You can’t expect your hotel to have an in-house doctor like […]
Do you really need to remove fingernail polish for surgery?

Why do the preop surgery folks tell us to avoid fingernail polish for surgery? And for that matter, why are we told to avoid eating and drinking after midnight? That one’s easier to explain. When a patient is going to sleep for surgery and the anesthesiologist is putting a breathing tube down your throat, there’s […]
Is your doctor’s office-based operating room accredited? [video]

If you’re in the market for cosmetic surgery, you may notice lots of doctors now perform their cosmetic procedures in their office. But that doesn’t mean that every office based operating room is created equal! You want to be sure that your doctor’s office based operating room has accreditation. Believe it or not, there’s no […]
Is it ok to have Marijuana before surgery? [video]

In honor of April 20th, or 420, a sort of national holiday for marijuana, several patients are asking: if you can’t have cigarettes before or after surgery, is it ok to have marijuana before surgery? Most patients know about the issues with cigarettes before and after surgery but is marijuana ok? I’m not going to […]
Overnight stay after cosmetic surgery…necessary?

Often patients ask when they will be go home after their cosmetic surgery. I will explain that they’ll go home mid or late morning or early afternoon depending on the procedure. There’s a look of surprise in their face because they ask, “oh, the same day?!” And I explain that an overnight stay will not […]
UPDATE on Breast Implants and ALCL

The FDA recently updated their website in regards to anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) and its association with breast implants. You can read a previous post on the topic here. So here’s the update. The latest from the FDA in regards to ALCL According to the FDA, “Anaplastic large cell lymphome (ALCL) is […]
Postop garments

After various cosmetic surgical procedures, your doctor may recommend postop garments. But what are they meant to accomplish and is it required. Not all surgeons agree. Regardless, if you have a breast augmentation, tummy tuck or liposuction, chances are you’ll be wearing one of these. What’s the purpose of postop garments It’s not clear […]
Why board certification is the first of many questions to ask your doctor

Does your heart doctor or kidney doctor have appropriate board certification? This probably isn’t much of an issue. Reason being that you were referred to that doctor by your primary care doctor or the emergency room. And for those doctors to be included within your insurance network or have permission (privileges) to work within that […]