Website contact forms are so 2009!
Do you hate website contact forms as much as me?! Chances are the reason you’re completing a contact form is because you have a specific question. I’m betting you’re not the only one with that question. So rather than a website contact form, why don’t company websites replace the contact form with a more automated […]
Consumers Believe in Price Transparency. So Should You!
The article below is being reposted in its entirety. To see the original in Modern Aesthetics magazine, click here. As physicians pursuing cosmetic patients, we’ve become more marketing director than healthcare provider in some instances. It feels like we’re in a hamster wheel of marketing; spending money in an effort to get more traffic […]
BuildMyBod in Cosmetic Surgery Times: How do your prices compare?
Reposted below in it’s entirety is an article by Lisette Hilton, published by the Cosmetic Surgery Times on October 11, 2016. BuildMyBod, an online marketplace connecting doctors and patients, where consumers can check pricing, get quotes and make online purchases of cosmetic and other non-surgical services, has a new service that plastic and cosmetic […]
Repeat CoolSculpting Treatments

We’ve found an interesting phenomenon with our CoolSculpting (non-surgical fat reduction) patients. Over 90% want repeat CoolSculpting treatments! Not because it didn’t work but because it did. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical way to freeze fat and reduce the fat layer by 25%. It works and can be done more than once. Do you have […]
Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery joins BuildMyBod Health
Big news! If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you probably want to know how much it costs? You’re not alone. BuildMyBod Health, the first platform to offer doctor-provided pricing information to consumers has a new first. The Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery Department chose BuildMyBod to showcase the prices of their world renowned surgeons. Remember, these are […]
Online Purchases for Healthcare Services

In the past, you would get a healthcare service and then get the bill after the fact. Maybe it was covered by your insurance or maybe you owed a lot of money. But now, with consumers shouldering more of their healthcare costs with high deductible health plans, consumers are demanding to know costs ahead of […]
Breast Implants vs Fat Injections to the Breast

As society continues to demand that everything be ‘natural,’ it would make sense to shift from breast implants to fat injections to the breast for breast augmentation as well. Is it that simple? Can we substitute saline or silicone breast implants with your own natural fat and get the same results? A few years ago, […]
Plastic Surgery Financing!

In the past, plastic surgery was thought to be only for the rich. That wasn’t true then and it isn’t true now. The only difference is people now understand that plastic surgery financing is a reality. While discussing the increased accessibility to plastic surgery financing, remember that no one needs cosmetic surgery. And financially sound […]
BuildMyBod Founder Speaking at ASPS 2016
Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health, the platform that provides price transparency in healthcare, will be speaking in Los Angeles at the year’s biggest plastic surgery meeting! BuildMyBod Health allows consumers to connect with healthcare providers to check the cost of their care – before receiving that care – through an automated online Price […]
CoolSculpting: The All-American Treatment

CoolSculpting is the FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment for fat reduction. After coming on the market in 2009, with over a million treatments later, it works. No doubt about it. This is the quintessential treatment for the American mentality! Why? CoolSculpting is perfect for stubborn pockets of fat and doesn’t require any behavioral changes in the […]