I love San Francisco! And I love great questions my patients ask me. The other day, a patient asked about The Myers Cocktail. For those of you not familiar, it’s one of those old-school treatments that potentially has many benefits.

Here’s a little background that I gathered from this article. John Myers was a physician in Maryland that realized intravenous (IV) vitamins (vitamin B and C) and minerals (magnesium and calcium) could treat asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, upper respiratory infections, and cardiovascular disease to name just a few. Patients of Dr. Myers were so convinced of the beneficial effects of these vitamin infusions that they sought out treatment monthly, weekly or even twice weekly.
As with many treatments originating in the past, there is not a great deal of published or double-blind studies regarding the efficacy of the Myers’ cocktail. However, that doesn’t mean it’s “snake oil.” Even if it has a placebo effect that causes no harm, and the patient is convinced it helps with asthma or fibromyalgia – illnesses that contribute to lost days of school or work – who am I to tell the patient that it may not work.
Have you ever had a Myers Cocktail? If you’re interested in learning more, book your appointment here.