If you’ve been in an accident, broken your nose and now have a “scoop” or divot, you may be looking to get a nose job. Until now, any changes to your nose required nose surgery – technically called a rhinoplasty. But with the advent of fillers like Belotero, Juvederm or Restylane, you can get your “nose job” in about 10 minutes!

Injecting a filler into the nose can be very easy and minimally painful for the patient. By first providing a dental block to numb the nose, your plastic surgeon can artfully fill in the area of concern. Be sure and keep a mirror in your hand during the procedure so that you can view the contours of your nose in between the injections to provide input to your doctor. They have a pretty good idea of what to do but it’s always important for the patient to be involved in the process, especially with a filler. You don’t want your doctor to run out of filler and then you tell them you want a little more here or there!
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