FACT: The more time someone spends on your website, the higher your site will rank in organic Google searches. In other words, the longer consumers stay on your site, the better your SEO. So how do you keep consumers on your site longer? CONCLUSION: the BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator is proven to keep consumers on your site longer and therefore improve your SEO. See how below.
How to improve your website’s SEO
If you’re looking for the silver bullet when it comes to patient engagement, then search no further. You’ve found it. What does every healthcare consumer ultimately want to know before receiving non-emergent care? How much it costs. The BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator allows the consumer to check pricing through a doctor’s website but only after providing their contact info. The consumer gets pricing and the healthcare provider gets a lead. This is a huge satisfier for both sides.
CASE STUDY: Dr. Bradley Hubbard of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute has the BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator on his website. During a recent webinar, Dr. Hubbard showed that consumers spend more time on his Price Estimator page than any other page (150% more)! This improves the SEO performance on his website overall.
His three highest trafficked pages on his website, in order from highest to lowest, were the landing page, the photo gallery and in third, the Pricing page. But when you focus on time on the page, the reverse was true. Consumers spent the least amount of time on the most trafficked page (<30 seconds on the landing page) and the most amount of time on the third most trafficked page (205 seconds on the Pricing page)! That translates into a higher position in organic Google search results.
This extra time on his site, and in particular on the Pricing page, turned into more consults and more procedures too. In 2017, he received 1,522 leads through his Price Estimator. 105 of those leads came in for a consult from that one lead source. At 6 months, 80% of those consults became paying patients either through non-surgical or surgical procedures. That translates into $12.50 per lead. How much are you paying for each lead? $100? $150?
Building your database
The extra time on his site with all of these consumers submitting “wishlists” to get pricing had another benefit. With everyone leaving their contact info to get pricing, he built a huge database for future email marketing. In fact, 75% of his database is made up of real people submitting real wishlists to check pricing. Who better to remarket to via email marketing than consumers that are genuinely interested in the services you provide?!
Get the stats direct from Dr. Hubbard at the 27-minute mark in the webinar recording here!
If you’re a provider and want to insert the Price Estimator into your website, request an account here. If you’re a consumer that wants to check pricing from a doctor near you, click here.