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Abdominoplasty/Mini-Tummy Tuck
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Dr. Ford performs abdominoplasty, colloquially called a 'tummy tuck,' for men and women alike who want slimmer, smoother abdomens. This procedure corrects muscle laxity and removes excess skin and fat that are difficult - if not impossible - to resolve with diet and exercise alone. The aim of tummy tuck surgery is to tighten loose abdominal muscles and to remove excess abdominal skin and fat. During pregnancy or a significant gain in weight, the fascia (fibrous tissue) surrounding the muscles of the abdomen is stretched. Once a woman delivers a child or a person loses a great deal of weight, the stretched fascia and overlying skin does not return to its firm, tight state. This often results in an abdomen that protrudes and is out of proportion to the rest of the body. Similarly, the abdominal skin can develop stretch marks and permanent laxity - and excess fat may appear concentrated around the abdomen. Unfortunately, these changes are rarely amenable to correction with exercise and diet alone. Tummy tuck is an excellent complement to a healthy lifestyle and is well-known for giving patients the attractive results they want

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Before: Procedures - Abdominoplasty/Mini-Tummy Tuck with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Mastopexy

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After: Procedures - Abdominoplasty/Mini-Tummy Tuck with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Mastopexy