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Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)
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Loose skin is removed to give a more youthful appearance to the arms. The arms can have loose, sagging skin after weight loss or with increasing age due to loss of elasticity in the skin. Toning and shaping of the arm muscles can give a good foundation for an attractive arm but at this time, there is no other way to decrease the sagging appearance of arms skin other than removing it surgically. Dr. Nazarian places the incisions on the inner aspect of the arm so that the scars are not visible when the arms are next to the body. While there is no great place on the arm to place a scar, this is the least visible area to place it. This surgery, like all body contouring surgeries, is a trade-off: a scar for improved contour. Recovery time is essential after having a brachioplasty. Most patients experience a burning sensation in the underarm area. Some temporary or permanent numbness can also be experienced. The surgery typically takes 4 hours and one drain will be placed per arm. These drains will be removed 3-5 days after surgery.
