How Snapchat disarms Dr. Google!

Dr. Google

Dr. GoogleI’m gonna spend this whole post just explaining what the title means! So let’s start with some background. Most doctors know that Dr. Google refers to the experience when patients come in for their consult with loads of disjointed, unrelated information regarding their ailment that they learned on Google. While some of the information is accurate, it’s inaccurate within the context of their diagnosis or treatment plan. In fact, their self-diagnosed symptoms or treatment recommendations may have nothing to do with their particular situation.


Snapchat and Dr. Google

Example Dr. Google question: I read something about tissue expanders online so why can’t I get tissue expanders to expand my breasts so that I can the get bigger implants during my cosmetic breast augmentation? Real doctor answer: Because tissue expanders for breasts are typically used in the context of expanding the breast skin after a mastectomy for cancer, not a cosmetic breast augmentation.


So you see, factual information but taken completely out of context. That’s a typical Dr. Google question.


But there’s a way to “disarm” Dr. Google and get more patients into your office that have a more factual understanding of their condition with a more accurate treatment plan by the time they come in for a consultation. That’s where Snapchat (or Instagram Stories) comes in.


The problem with patients that have a Dr. Google complex is that they’re reading all of this info and content on the internet. But if they’re reading or watching your content they’re more likely to understand their needs in a more appropriate context. So if someone is considering a cosmetic procedure in my practice, they don’t have to go anywhere else, other than my content, to learn about their situation and needs.


In other words, they can learn about procedures and treatments from me via Snapchat or Instagram Stories, even YouTube. By watching what I do and how I do it, they’ll understand what they need prior to coming to see me. The only reason they would have to go elsewhere would be the absence of educational content on my site or social media (which isn’t the case).


Now, when a patient comes in for a consultation, there are many Dr. Google questions that aren’t asked. Why? Because they’ve been watching my content for several weeks or months and I’ve already dispelled most of their misunderstandings. With the nonsense out of the way, our consult is way more productive and on-point. By the time they see me, we can have a more in depth discussion. The bottom line: if you want potential patients asking the right questions, make sure they’re getting the right info…and that’s from you!


In case you’re thinking this only works for cosmetic surgery, think again! Thorough education distributed by you, works across all medical fields.



On Key

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