Did your nephew pull your earring through your earlobe?! Do you wear dangling earrings so much so that it has stretched the piercing too large? Well, it doesn’t have to be a permanent problem. A split earlobe repair is the answer.
While most men wouldn’t understand the difficulty of finding a pierced earring that doesn’t fall out of a stretched-out earlobe or having to wear clip-on earrings since your earlobe is completely split, it can be an ongoing problem for women. With a trip to your friendly neighborhood plastic surgeon, a split earlobe repair is a quick fix under local anesthesia in the office.

The results can be great with a scar that’s hard to see. But be sure and return to your plastic surgeon to have your ear re-pierced because if you have an amateur re-pierce it along the healed incision line, it could cause a split again. If you’re wondering about the cost, click here to find a plastic surgeon in your area that provides pricing on split earlobe repair.