Kybella, CoolSculpting or Neck Lipo for treatment of Tech Neck! [video]

Looking for a treatment of tech neck? Well first, let’s discuss what tech neck is. With everyone staring at their smartphones, they notice their neck fullness when in selfie mode. That results in one of two things: a realization that they’ve always had that fullness but never noticed before. Or they’ve given themselves that fullness […]
Can CoolSculpting reduce breast size?

CoolSculpting is the non-surgical treatment to reduce stubborn pockets of fat. But can it reduce breast size? Lots of our viewers on Snapchat are asking. It all depends on whose breasts you’re talking about and what their issues are. So let’s get into the details. Techniques to reduce breast size First and foremost, CoolSculpting […]
Popular procedures for men

Cosmetic surgery isn’t a taboo subject anymore. Also, it’s not just for the wealthy. And finally, it’s not just for women. More men are getting cosmetic services (surgical or non-surgical) than ever before. But what procedures are they getting? Based on the procedures that men are most commonly requesting pricing on through the BuildMyBod Price […]
5 myths of liposuction

We’ve all considered it…well many of us have. Liposuction is a very popular procedure and is very appropriate for healthy, fit patients looking to remove stubborn pockets of fat that exercise and diet can’t address. But there’s a lot of bad information out there on the internet. This post is the exception. So read on […]
Getting the best bang for your buck on cosmetic services

The holidays are over and you spent money on everyone around you. Now it’s time to treat yourself but you’re low on money after Christmas and Chanukah…am I right?! So here are a few non-surgical suggestions that will get you the best bang for your buck. BOTOX®/XEOMIN® to the 11’s, forehead and crow’s feet […]
Make your office a place where patients can multitask!
In this dog eat dog world, when everyone is in the rat race of their life, we all need to be as productive as possible. Even the time we’re relaxing and tending to ourselves. Enter, the cosmetic clinic and medspa. While these may be a sanctuary of peace and quiet, they can also be a […]
Repeat CoolSculpting Treatments

We’ve found an interesting phenomenon with our CoolSculpting (non-surgical fat reduction) patients. Over 90% want repeat CoolSculpting treatments! Not because it didn’t work but because it did. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical way to freeze fat and reduce the fat layer by 25%. It works and can be done more than once. Do you have […]
Liposuction vs Gynecomastia Correction
Calling all men! Do you think you have gynecomastia (excess male breast tissue) or maybe it’s just excess fat? The underlying problem will determine what operation is right for you. If you have excess breast tissue, referred to as gynecomastia, this means you have fibrous tissue commonly associated with breasts, not fat. Because it’s […]
CoolSculpting, Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and BuildMyBod Health!
Do you want CoolSculpting? Now you can determine the price on BuildMyBod! Checking pricing on surgical and non-surgical services on before you see a doctor? You can still do that and find the pricing for the latest FDA-approved non-surgical fat reduction treatment – CoolSculpting! CoolSculpting is now easier than ever to find within the […]
The Mini Necklift!
If you’re the right candidate, you can get a necklift without the big painful scars behind the ears! It all breaks down like this: depending on what’s “wrong” with your neck – excess skin, excess fat or a lax neck muscle (platysma) – will determine which procedure is best for you. Which necklift is […]