Mother of the Bride
Everyone always throws out terms like bridalplasty to describe various plastic surgery procedures that a bride receives before her big day…what about the mother of the bride?! The mother of the bride wants to look her best as well. Here are a few things the mother of the bride can do to shine but not […]
2016 BuildMyBod Health Cosmetic Surgery Pricing Report [infographic]

For the fourth year in a row, BuildMyBod Health, presents their doctor-provided cosmetic surgery pricing report. What makes this data better and more accurate than any other pricing found online? The pricing is provided by doctors themselves. No “claims data,” no nebulous ranges, but real-time cosmetic surgery pricing information, updated for 2016. These are the […]
Get rid of your double chin!

Non-surgical is the buzzword these days within the realm of cosmetic surgery. And treatment of the double chin is no different! There are two new options for treatment of neck fat: CoolSculpting with the CoolMini applicator and Kybella. Let’s start with Kybella. Kybella is composed of a chemical that destroys fat cells. This injectible […]
Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks
While it’s not for weight loss, liposuction is “the bomb” when it comes to aggressive body contouring! As you can see in this photo to the left, this thin patient was unhappy with his flanks (love handles) and liposuction gave him the results he wanted. Let me emphasize, liposuction is best when it’s a thin […]
Liposuction for the saddle bags (outer thighs)
I know it’s a terrible term – saddle bags – but it is how my patients describe their outer thighs. So, I’m only using the term for ease of communication, even though it’s not my preferred terminology! These deposits of fat to the outer thighs make the saddle bags one of the most resistant areas […]
Waist Training…OMG!
Remember old photos from the 1800’s showing a woman wearing a corset to look thinner? Apparently, even with women making so much progress since the 19th century, you know with the right to vote and all, they may be picking up some old habits. I’m referring to waist training as it’s called now but it’s no […]
Gaining weight after liposuction
We’ve all heard it before – if I get liposuction in one area, will all my fat start accumulating in an area that didn’t receive liposuction?! And the answer is a resounding no. Understanding why this won’t happen requires an understanding of fat and “getting fat.” Believe it or not, all of the fat […]
Liposuction isn’t a license to binge!
I recently had a patient that came in for liposuction. Wonderful patient accompanied by a very cool wife. She was a great caregiver after his liposuction to his torso. He had a pretty straightforward recovery, and a lot of that had to do with excellent family support, specifically from his wife. And while most […]
Medical Slang: Muffin Top
In a new series of blog posts, we’ll be highlighting common slang terms within the medical field and discussing their causes and treatments. First up: the muffin top! The muffin top, as humorously depicted to the left is excess fat in the flank area that hangs over the tops of your jeans. Sure you […]
Full body liposuction
Full body liposuction is a great way to remove unwanted pockets of fat from various parts of the body. However, it shouldn’t be misunderstood to be a type of weight loss. It’s natural to assume extensive liposuction could achieve weight loss but that’s not safe and probably not a reasonable expectation. When performing liposuction, […]