How easy is it to treat a gummy smile?

treat a gummy smile

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Xeomin are very popular injectable treatments that relax the muscles causing wrinkles in the face. But did you know these can also be used to treat a gummy smile like the patient above? The ‘before’ is on the left the after is on the ‘right.’ Thanks to this lovely patient for sharing her […]

Saggy breasts worse after breastfeeding or pumping?

saggy breasts

When you’re a plastic surgeon, “cocktail conversation” at a party can involve any and all topics. How much recovery do I need after a neck lift? Can you get rid of my cankles? Breast pumping, not breastfeeding, resulted in my saggy breasts! This particular party patron made the last comment as a matter of fact. I […]

Why tax season is the time to schedule your cosmetic surgery

tax season

Tax season officially culminates tomorrow, April 15th (or maybe technically April 18th this year) when you file your taxes. And let’s just assume you’re filing your taxes on time! Aside from getting past the anxiety of taxes, this is actually a great time of year. Why? Because this is the time to get that mommy […]

BuildMyBod Health to release eCommerce feature [video]

buildmybod health

BuildMyBod Health, the price transparency platform that allows consumers to check pricing on healthcare services and generate leads for doctors will release a new eCommerce feature. By using the website at or the Price Estimator on an individual doctor’s website, consumers can purchase non-surgical services online.   Why online purchasing? You may ask, why […]

No drain tummy tuck [video]

no drain tummy tuck

During a tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon will raise the abdominal skin off of the abdominal wall. This is done to “get some slack” on the excess skin in the process of removing it. Separating the excess skin from the underlying abdominal wall creates a space that can fill with fluid after the operation. That’s […]

Smokers and Surgery

quit smoking

Courtesy Getty Images. As a plastic surgeon I require patients to stop smoking before their cosmetic surgery. Since the surgery is elective, I can delay their surgery in case they continue to smoke.   Check smokers’ compliance There are urine and blood tests that can screen for the by-products of nicotine to ensure compliance.   While […]

Let’s just see if my health insurance will cover it…wrong!

cost of healthcare

When it comes to getting outpatient treatment of any type – colonoscopy, sending a biopsy to the lab – consumers hope their health insurance will cover it. They think, even if my health insurance doesn’t cover it, there’s no harm in trying, right? Wrong!   It’s no big deal if my health insurance doesn’t cover […]

Online Purchases for Healthcare Services

online booking

In the past, you would get a healthcare service and then get the bill after the fact. Maybe it was covered by your insurance or maybe you owed a lot of money. But now, with consumers shouldering more of their healthcare costs with high deductible health plans, consumers are demanding to know costs ahead of […]

Turbo Lipo on Snapchat! [video]

Jumping on the bandwagon, we’re now showing various surgical procedures on Snapchat! In today’s story on Snapchat, we’re performing Turbo Lipo to the chest and abdomen. We’re @realdrbae on Snapchat.   Liposuction isn’t for weight loss. It’s for patients that work out, lead a healthy lifestyle but have stubborn fat that needs aggressive treatment. Due […]

Five Questions about Lip Injections

Lip injections are more common and less taboo due to many celebrities getting injections with fillers. This is a safe procedure that is FDA approved but patients still have their concerns. Below are the five questions I repeatedly hear from patients considering lip injections.   1. How can I avoid duck lips? Patients want to […]

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