5 ingredients in the secret sauce of medical marketing!
When I first moved from Louisiana to San Francisco just under three years ago, I took over an existing plastic surgery practice. The previous doctor had about 200 email addresses in his database. I knew if I wanted to build a bigger practice, I would need a bigger database of email addresses. I really had […]
Founder of BuildMyBod Speaking at ASAPS 2016!
Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health, the platform that provides price transparency in healthcare, will be speaking in Las Vegas at the year’s biggest cosmetic surgery meeting – twice! BuildMyBod Health allows consumers to connect with healthcare providers to check the cost of their care – before receiving that care – through an […]
A bigger conference than HIMSS? I think not! [video]

Just got back from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) meeting in Vegas. A bigger conference I have never seen nor attended! There were 45,000 attendees on hand. To give a frame of reference, most plastic surgery meetings I go to have 2000 attendees at the absolute most! Healthcare IT, the people […]
How do I generate leads for my website?
Have you ever asked yourself this question? Chances are you’ve found lots of answers online from so-called experts. Well, here goes one of those so-called experts weighing in once again! Regardless of what your business is – medical office, clothing boutique or stationary store, you need customers and before that, you need to generate leads […]
Here’s How I Turned Traffic Into 150 Percent Lead Growth
When you first built your website, did your web developer promise more clicks and traffic? They may have even shown you stats backing up that claim, but at some point you realized that you can’t contact a “click” and you don’t know who’s in that traffic! That was the driving force behind my plan […]