Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery
While anesthesia has improved over the last century and become less of a potential danger, patients are still worried about having “general” anesthesia. Luckily, there are many options when it comes to anesthesia for cosmetic surgery. First off, depending on the type of cosmetic surgery, you may not even need general anesthesia. General anesthesia […]
Top 4 Procedures in Male Plastic Surgery
When it comes to male plastic surgery, the four most common surgical procedures I’m seeing in my office are men interested in upper eyelid lift, neck lift, gynecomastia (male breast reduction) and liposuction of the abdomen. Upper Eyelid Lift An upper eyelid lift is a very straightforward procedure to remove excess upper eyelid skin […]
Liposuction for the saddle bags (outer thighs)
I know it’s a terrible term – saddle bags – but it is how my patients describe their outer thighs. So, I’m only using the term for ease of communication, even though it’s not my preferred terminology! These deposits of fat to the outer thighs make the saddle bags one of the most resistant areas […]
Waist Training…OMG!
Remember old photos from the 1800’s showing a woman wearing a corset to look thinner? Apparently, even with women making so much progress since the 19th century, you know with the right to vote and all, they may be picking up some old habits. I’m referring to waist training as it’s called now but it’s no […]
Bruising After Surgery
From the same patient that inspired me to write this and this, that same patient has also inspired me to write the post below for your reading pleasure. Bruising after surgery – it’s not unexpected but how much is too much. And how do you know when it’s bad enough to call or email your […]
Traditional liposuction for lipo etching
Ever heard of lipo etching? It’s not a terribly common procedure but one that patients request. Lipo etching creates lines in the abdominal skin so that you look like you have the contours of a “six-pack!” The interesting thing about lipo etching is that it’s the purposeful use of a “bad” technique to create […]
Brazilian Butt Lift: Do I have enough fat?
How many times have you asked yourself this question?! OK, maybe never but if you are one of the many consumers out there who want a bigger booty, you probably assumed you had enough fat because we often think we have more fat than we really do. But don’t kid yourself, it takes a lot […]
New treatment for a double chin
As I discussed the other day here, the Kybella injection to dissolve under-chin fat and remove your double chin is coming out in June. Here’s a quick refresher of what it can do. Kybella uses the chemical deoxycholic acid to dissolve fat. This isn’t a new chemical, it’s naturally produced in the body, but it is […]
Medical Slang: Muffin Top
In a new series of blog posts, we’ll be highlighting common slang terms within the medical field and discussing their causes and treatments. First up: the muffin top! The muffin top, as humorously depicted to the left is excess fat in the flank area that hangs over the tops of your jeans. Sure you […]
Dissolve fat with an injection!
The latest and greatest is here! Now it’s time to see if the new Kybella treatment to dissolve fat in the neck/under the chin is all it’s cracked up to be. A recent NY Times article talks about this newly approved injection that can dissolve fat with injections but no surgery. Kybella uses the […]