Perfect patient experience? The doctor has to have their own operating room

patient experience

Want to offer patients the perfect patient experience when it comes to their surgical procedure? Then there’s one thing the doctor must do: be in 100% control of the perioperative (pre-, intra-, and postop-) experience. And to do that, the doctor must have their own office-based operating room.   That time I just missed providing […]

Reducing sticker shock for medically necessary and cosmetic services [video]

sticker shock

There’s probably nothing more frustrating for a consumer and physician than a consultation that ends in sticker shock. How can a doctor’s website provide so much information about a procedure, but nothing useful when it comes to the consumer’s expected out-of-pocket costs?! It doesn’t have to be that way.   How Ohio Surgery Center reduces […]

Price Awareness Improves Patient Experience

After taking over an existing plastic surgery practice here in San Francisco almost a year ago and providing pricing information on my private practice website, I’ve learned a few interesting things. Patients like price transparency! Allow me to explain.   On our website, we have a Pricing tab. If you click on this tab, you’ll […]

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