How young is too young for plastic surgery?

Is 21 too young for Botox? What about breast augmentation? Who should decide? If you’re not the one getting plastic surgery, maybe it’s none of your business when someone chooses to get work done?! Rather than being a moral decision, plastic surgery and when to get it should be based on medical reasoning.   Obviously […]

Deviated septum…can it come back?

For those of you who’ve heard of it but not really sure what a deviated septum is, here’s your answer! There’s cartilage that runs down the middle of your nose that separates the left nostril and nasal airway from the right nostril and nasal airway. Sometimes your septum deviates, or shifts to one side as […]

Liquid Nose Job Before and After Photos

liquid rhinoplasty cost

I continue to be impressed with how a nonsurgical liquid nose job can transform the nose, and therefore the face, in unexpected ways. Up til now, if you wanted to change something about your nose, surgery was required. Shave down a bump, even out a divot, get more tip projection. But with the injection of […]

Never say these 5 things to your cosmetic surgeon

This recent article in the Cosmetic Surgery Times by one of my favorite reporters, Lisette Hilton, discusses five things doctors should never say to their cosmetic patients. As a followup, I’ve compiled a list of five things a patient should never say to their cosmetic surgeon!   “My last doctor did a terrible job” That […]

Hiding facial cosmetic scars

For all of the different types of facial cosmetic procedures, it’s really amazing how well the scars can be hidden. It’s all about placement!   If you look at all facial cosmetic operations, the placement of the scars all have one thing in common: subtlety. Clearly no one wants it to be obvious that you’ve […]

Look Mom, no scars: Rhinoplasty

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, comes in all shapes and sizes, various techniques with different outcomes. It’s a complicated procedure for a very unique part of the face. Any deviation from the norm is quickly recognized due to the aesthetic importance of the nose and it’s relation to the face. So how do you correct […]

Liquid Rhinoplasty Cost

A commonly requested item nowadays is the liquid rhinoplasty or liquid nose job. This is when a patients wants to forego surgery but is interested in improved contours of the nose, albeit temporary. Contouring of the nose can be done with fillers like Juvederm or Belotero. And the first question after, “what’s a liquid rhinoplasty,” […]

Nose Job Cost

If you’re in the market for a rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job, there’s a few things you should now about the procedure, including nose job cost.   A “straightforward” nose job may involve shaving down a bump on top or refining the tip of your nose. On the other hand, a more […]

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty – Open or Closed?

If you’re thinking of nose reshaping surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, having a general understanding and reasonable expectations prior to surgery is important. In general, if you’re unhappy with a bump on the top of the nose, the tip of the nose or the nostril size, you may be a candidate for rhinoplasty.   And […]

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