First weekend in San Francisco.
37th Annual Union Street festival – check. Brisk jog down to the Marina, with a pass by the Bar Method – check. Signed up for Uber cab – check. Picked up my badge for California Pacific Medical Center – check. Visit to my new office at Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery – check.

It’s been a busy first weekend in this amazing city. The weather has been beautiful without a cloud in the sky. The people are friendly and happy to provide directions without a smug attitude. The 37th Annual Union Street Festival in Pacific Heights happened to coincide with our arrival – a sort of welcome party for us, despite anyone knowing it was doubling as our welcome party!
I’m still trying to figure out the recycling…at the street festival, there was a receptacle for compostables, plastic bottles and then just “trash”. The trash containers were transparent and from the looks of it, I’m not the only one that is confused by what goes where.
Everything seems to be in walking distance and even if it’s not, you can get from one end of the city to the other in 15 minutes. It’s just the first weekend and we’re so excited for what will come next. Tomorrow is my first day at the office and our home is close enough to walk so I’m hoping that tomorrow will also be my first day of my new workout regimen – walking to and from work everyday has to be worth a few calories!
Stay tuned for updates from the first day of work.